Assign label/ratio group/channel to RSS feed


May 24, 2018
I love the RSS feed and autotools plugin. I can tell autotools to label by tracker and then leave the label for a specific rss filter empty to get a dynamic asignment but that feels a little bit limited today. I still have to assign a single ratio group and/or channel to an rss filter even though they might be coming from different trackers which I potentially want different such settings for each. Also when it comes to tracker specific configurations, all we can do with autotools is label using tracker name today (I'd love to be able to hear from people who actually use DIR and NOW variables in autotools as I don't much use for those myself)

What I would love to see is to be able to assign configuration for RSS feed itself. This way I can assign a label name, a ratio group and/or a channel to the feed itself so that any rss filter which might potentially pull from more than 1 feed will get different settings depending on which feed they downloaded the torrent from. Something as simple as being able to use the Tracker name as a label on autotools would be a great start as some feeds can contain torrents from different trackers. Maybe being able to create such configuration rules per tracker url (Giving further granularity where you can have different configuration for each tracker within the same feed) just like you can do in the Rules Manager would be better.