How automated can it get?


May 25, 2018
I recently started using rutorrent software with a autodl script on a seedbox i purchased. Coming from the usenet I was curious just automated the download process is compared to what's available on usenet. I use sabnzbd+sickbeard for my tv shows and it will download the show, repair, extract it, rename it, and place it in the corresponding tv show/season folder. It's basically hands off cause sickbeard keeps track of all my tv shows using as source to tell when the next episodes are airing.

I am just wondering how hands-off can rutorrent+autodl+what ever other apps are available to make the tv show downloading process be with seedboxes? From what i can tell so far, it looks like rutorrent+autodl can basically download the shows as they come out, even unpack and rename them on the seedbox. From there I haven't seen a way to say have a ftp program auto-download the show from the seedbox and place it in the right show/season directory.

I have seen post on the sickbeard forums requesting more private torrent support but they don't seem that interested. I don't know how to code myself or I'd try to start something up.


May 25, 2018
I am in kind of the same boat. When I used my home computer and utorrent, I ran a script for filebot after a show had finished. This unpacked, identified, change file name and filed into my media server to be picked up by media portal.

Would love to make my seedbox more "hands off".