Please explain why port_check does not work without opcache


May 24, 2018
I have successfully set up rtorrent+rutorrent on a Debian 7 and a Linux Mint 16 i386 system and the former has been in use for quite some time.

So with the fresh installation of Linux Mint 17 64bit on another machine I set about compiling the latest libtorrent, xml-rpc, and rtorrent and installing rutorrent.

With this being a fresh installation and trying to copy things over without being rigorous I ran into a few problems which others may like to take note of because they are not obvious ones to spot.

If you have environmental variables for TMPDIR to point to /var/tmp/${USER} to avoid use of /tmp because it is a small tmpfs system, do not forget to create

/var/tmp/php5 root:root 1777

and if the p2p user is p2p

/var/tmp/p2p p2p:p2p 0700

Now as apache2 has changed from 2.2 to 2.4 it is now recommended to replace access controls
such as

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

with just


Now this works in all simple cases, but when I try to do this in the block

Alias /rutorrent "/my_path/ruTorrent"

<Directory "/srv/www/ruTorrent">
AllowOverride None
AuthDigestDomain /rutorrent "http://my_own_url"
AuthName "BitTorrent Authorized User"
AuthDigestNonceLifetime 3600
AuthType Digest
AuthUserFile my_own_password_path
Require valid-user
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

then the authentication just does not work, it goes straight into rutorrent and there are lots of error messages about the webserver user not being able to access standard programs.

So can anybody tell me how to convert to the new "Require" format within a block also needing "Require user" for
htdiget authentication?

Also there appear to be some serious issues with libpam-smbpass

and for me samba/winbind and wins host names lookup on Linux Mint 17 / Ubuntu 14.04 so
do not include wins in your nsswitch.conf.

If you do runing check_port and any other name lookup may just result in php5 core dump. Maybe explains why apache2 was coredumping every so often as well.

Having taken care of those issues, the rutorrent check_port warning triangle was still showing.

I did a check on which php modules were being loaded on Debian 7 and Linux Mint 16 compared to the new machine and discovered that there was no symbolic link to activate in apache2 nor cli sub-directories of /etc/php5

Once that was activated and apache2 restarted, finally the check_port indicator went green.

So the big question is, why is the opcache module needed to get check_port to work and as far as I can tell no mention that it is a requirement?