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  1. L

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    I am getting an error: Need help : Bad link to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file. Edit: I made it work again...I just "screen"ed rtorrent
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Thank you! I was blindly following the ubuntu help documentation without even thinking about version. This is working now
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    i am getting error in starting Code: ****@****:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-utils autoconf automake autotools-dev binutils build-essential bzip2 ca-certificates comerr-dev cpp cpp-4.1 dpkg-dev file g++ g++-4.1 gawk gcc gcc-4.1 libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-scgi...
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    problem solved, I've setup vsftpd instead of pureftpd
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Both commands are returning the error bud this is where it stops i cant add user config for 2nd users to rutorrent. Or the primary user Dj
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    subvertbeats absolutely fantastic guide !! I'm a Linux newbie, and it worked great for me. I had tried at least 20 different guides to get a full install. Most of the time only half the stuff would work. I set up a refurbished on a with this. Only probs I had was getting the ftp...
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    you likely got stuck to the the certificate and userdir and username SHOULD be identical.
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    I do the same thing. In this way 3 people have a full server with root access if they can do everthing. With this plan we can share with no related people safely. To use openVz, you can simply reinstall os on your primary server to PROXMOX. It's a user friendly interface to use openvz and you...
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    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    I'm on OVH plan too and I use OpenVZ to split my server in 3. Each "sub-server" have it ip. But with this configation you need to have everything three time... (3 rtorrent, 3 rutorrent, 3 web serveur, 3 os, 3 ftp server, etc..). But if you want i can help you. ++
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Trying to install rutorrent using this commands. cd /var/www sudo svn co rutorrent sudo rm -r rutorrent/plugins sudo svn co rutorrent/plugins But have been receiving this error sudo svn co...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Once more, this guide was very useful to me (third time). Some notes: 1) As of today, the only way I found to install xmlrpc-c was installing libxml2-dev ubuntu package; 2) As of today, I was only able to find libtorrent and rtorrent sources at 3) As of today...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    rakshasa's site got hacked, you can download them from github until it's back up
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    I was now able to solve the issue with quotas. If anyone had the same issue: I changed operating system from linux debian wheezy 7.0 to ubuntu server Precise Pangolin and it worked. I now see quotas. But I have another question you guys might could help me. I have 4 users (4 rTorrent...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    I assume that with 2 seedboxes, you mean that there are 2 different rTorrent instances running on the same machine? Assuming they both use different directories for the files seeding, I think you only need a few lines of code using popen to make a du call - perhaps you could make it a new...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Wow I totally skipped over that first line, and didn't realize that running apache 2.4.7 was an issue. Thanks for the work on the original guide as well as the assistance here.
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide looks like a local IP so I assume you installed it on a computer at your home? This means that whenever you are connected with a device to your own router/local network, you should be able to open the ruTorrent webUI by surfing to Outside of your home/local...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Seems here docs work fine on your system, are you sure you didn't accidentally modify the file? The code looks fine and I just tried running it on my system (the part which doesn't work for you) and it all works fine. Maybe try copy-pasting the code again just to make sure you have the right...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Hi. Thanks for this looks like it could save a hell of a lot of time... ...however :p When I run it, it runs for some time and then eventually I get this: Code: bash: line 36: build_dep: command not found Exiting with status code 127. Clearly, there's a dependency that I have...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Unfortunately I don't have apt-get either. I run the command compgen -c to list all commands available and here is the list: from my reading I can't install aptitude without apt-get, am I right? I tried to find help on Lacie forums and people are running full...
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    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Glad to see you got it to work It seems that you are running rTorrent as root, you shouldn't do that. As for the error, it doesn't really matter but it's pretty strange that you are getting that error. It's probably a bug in the code of the plugin because as root, you always have permission...