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  1. S

    Extratio plugin modification idea

    Possible, but this is a very specific task. I think, most of users does'nt need this.
  2. S

    Ratio plugin modifications ideas

    Ok Novik. Thanks. Edit: done. Thanks again
  3. S

    Ratio plugin modifications ideas

    Did you try throttle plugin?
  4. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    How would I go about installing this?
  5. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    This code mean: if rtorrent is not running on the some host as ruTorrent then generate error. It hasn't relation to this problem. Quote I copied the mediainfo binary found in this thread mediainfo binary 1) must be in PATH 2) must have executable flag.
  6. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    Would love to hear a newbie version of how to fix this. I'm running this on a Synology NAS which works fine except for this message.
  7. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    Did you try the latest ruTorrent release (from the svn repository)? I used my ruTorrent installer and I got no error messages at all. Of course I had to update it to checkout the new mediainfo plugin and also install mediainfo (pacman -S mediainfo). Here's the diffs, but I don't think it...
  8. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    Can i see on this situation? If yes - where?
  9. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    You can get rid of this error by adding Code: /usr/bin/mediainfo: to your open_basedir line in php.ini or commenting this line out. we managed to get the plugin working to some kind last night, but it's not showing any information tho.
  10. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    Work fine for me on Debian 5.0. Mediainfo installed from .deb. thx for this plugin
  11. S

    Mediainfo Plugin

    Any word on a mediainfo plugin?
  12. S

    problems with create plugin

    Code: /var/www/rutorrent# svn up Skipped '.' Code /var/www/rutorrent/plugins# svn up * Skipped '_getdir' Skipped 'create' Skipped 'datadir' Skipped 'diskspace' Skipped 'erasedata' Skipped 'geoip' Skipped 'ratio' Skipped 'rss' Skipped 'seedingtime' Skipped 'tracklabels' Skipped 'trafic' does...
  13. S

    problems with create plugin

    just compile mktorrent normal download the source and just type make make install
  14. S

    Create torrent plugin problem

    he means the config files for rutorrent itself, look in the conf/ folder also in plugins/create and edit that config for mktorrent
  15. S

    RSS plugin: Web server user can't access curl program

    Hi I have had same problem. I fixed this issue by installing curl from source : Code: cd /tmp wget tar -xzvf curl-7.20.0.tar.gz cd curl-7.20.0 ./configure make make install (sudo if necessary) rm -R /tmp/curl-7.20.0 /tmp/curl-7.20.0.tar.gz And it...
  16. S

    [RSS] 'Error Loading Feed' on every feed [solved]

    i can't think of a way this should ever happen. The only reasons a feed would fail: Improper feed Feed requires cookie Site is set to SECURE (ie, one ip log in)
  17. S

    Diskspace plugin refresh time

    I want diskspace to show the top level directory size as defined in config.php I have made a bash script which runs du -s via cron every 2 minutes Code: #!/bin/bash DIRECTORY=/home/user1 SIZE=$(du -s $DIRECTORY | awk '{print $1}') echo "$SIZE" > /home/user1/used.txt Another similar script...
  18. S

    Diskspace plugin refresh time

    well you will need to write your own plugin then. This plugin polls based on the refresh rate of the client. A better options might be to write a script which checks via du -sh every so often, outputs it to a text file, then use this info.
  19. S

    Diskspace plugin refresh time

    Hi, Can someone tell me where can I change(lower) the refresh interval for Diskspace plugin ?
  20. S

    [RSS] I only want to download new torrents

    Thanks, I suppose I could've have figured that out on my own if I wasn't so tired anyway thanks for the super fast reply!