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  1. R

    Plugins not working - php / php-fcgi

    Quote : Any errors? System info? Sorry I was in a bit of a hurry. Will get back when I can access the machine.
  2. R

    Autotools partial move

    The problem is that the author of this plugin has been missing in action for months. This plugin isn't likely to see any updates until: Someone steps up and does the work The original author decides he wants to support it. Novik decides to rewrite the plugin. A bounty might help.
  3. R

    Plugins not working - php / php-fcgi

    Finally got rutorrent running. Yihaa! Good riddance transmission! So plugins not working unfortunately. It says very clearly in the docs that you need cli enabled php. So thats the first thing I check. php -v: PHP 5.2.17 (cli) (built: Feb 23 2012 11:54:03). So I guess that cli works. The...
  4. R

    Rutorrent bar enlarge by the time.

    Last version of ruTorrent is 3.5.
  5. R

    rtorrent and rutorrent with nginx setup

    Hi, I've been trying to setup rutorrent with nginx. Since most of the tutorials I found are either with apache or are outdated nginx tutorials (no plugin rpc/httprpc), I've been struggling to get this work on my own (mainly due to my limited knowledge of linux). My main aim is to reduce the...
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    Problem using rtorrent + rutorrent for multiple user

    Here the link of the tutoriel I used : But, I solved my problem by installing this on a new Debian installation : Everything...
  7. R

    Problem using rtorrent + rutorrent for multiple user

    Quote : You do something strange. If you want to launch bash script from the current directory, you must write ./rtorrent2 start. Ok, I wasn't aware about that, but I've already tried ./rtorrent2 start, same result as /etc/init.d/rtorrent2 start ... Quote : As result. Sorry, but with such...
  8. R

    Problem using rtorrent + rutorrent for multiple user

    There is something strange If I go to /etc/init.d/ then I do a Code: sudo rtorrent start, I can see the rtorrent in my console, but I'm obliged to do a CTRL+Q to come back to console but Code: /etc/init.d/rtorrent startprint only a Code: Starting rtorrent: rtorrent.And for rtorrent2 in...
  9. R

    Problem using rtorrent + rutorrent for multiple user

    Here the complete code for starter files : USER1 : /etc/init.d/rtorrent Code: #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: rtorrent.USER1 # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 #...
  10. R

    Problem using rtorrent + rutorrent for multiple user

    I've modified for USER2 Code: # name of screen session srnname="rtorrent" to Code: # name of screen session srnname="rtorrent2" but Code: /etc/init.d/rtorrent startand Code: /etc/init.d/rtorrent2 startdoesn't launch rtorrent instance.
  11. R

    Problem using rtorrent + rutorrent for multiple user

    Thank you Novik65, so if I want to launch multiple instance of rtorrent, I need to do something like that ? Code: screen -dm -S RTorrent1 rtorrent screen -dm -S RTorrent2 rtorrent No need to identify which user use which instance of rtorrent ?
  12. R

    Question about rutorrent and moving files

    Thank you very much this is interesting indeed, i will definitely read this page as soon i get a bit of time.
  13. R

    Question about rutorrent and moving files

    Hello, i been looking around to see if i can achieve the following, upon an torrent finishes downloading he moves this file/folder to an 2nd folder. I checked around and there's 2 ways that do partially what i want, auto tools (rutorrent plugin) and rtorrent in the .rtorrent.rc using events...
  14. R

    Problem using rtorrent + rutorrent for multiple user

    Hi everyone, I've just finished install my server with rtorrent + rutorrent, but I have actually a little problem with multiple user usage. So, for now I have 2 users we will call USER1 and USER2. Dirs for both users : /home/USER1/rtorrent/ ls -a -l drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Apr 21...
  15. R

    rTorrent won't start new torrents - added in [CLOSED] state

    I've got the same issue was fixed I don't know how but after lastest svp up the bug is back! here's my schedule: Quote watch_directory2,1,1,"load_start=/home/user/rtorrent/watch/*.torrent"
  16. R

    Problem installing rutorrent.

    I actually have that plugin installed but it says "Not loaded". Am I doing it right by untaring it to the plugins folder and restarting rutorrent or is there more to it than that?
  17. R

    Auto move

    Get a better box. Failing that, load stopped, ^o, set path, ^s.
  18. R

    Problem installing rutorrent.

    I'm running slackware 14 with Apache/2.4.4. When I start up rutorrent it gives me this error. Code: [Select] No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file. I'm not stuck with trying...
  19. R

    Access to the rtorrent session directory

    Hope you're the only user on the system
  20. R

    Access to the rtorrent session directory

    chown -R nico:www-data /home/nico/.config/rtorrent/session or replace www-data with webserver user group.