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  1. P

    How to setup rtorrent with cherokee-admin

    It seems there isn't an rtorrent wizard anymore in cherokee v. 0.99.39
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    How to set up rutorrent 3.0 with multi-user support

    No worries. I was not blaming you. I just wanted to point it out so that people that were following the guide, and even cutting and pasting the commands, would not get tripped up in the future. Share and share alike..
  3. P

    How to set up rutorrent 3.0 with multi-user support

    which version of the script do you have? The latest versions have the lockfile removal and disk space checking
  4. P

    How to set up rutorrent 3.0 with multi-user support

    Hi guys, sorry for the late reply, but i perservered, and got multiusers . Thank you for the links Stubs
  5. P

    Right Click on iPad; iPad 2; iPhone or other iDevices.

    Could you add the feature to hide the mobile Safari URL bar by default. It will give us a bit more screen to view rutorrent, which will be nice on an iphone.
  6. P

    Right Click on iPad; iPad 2; iPhone or other iDevices.

    I temporarily steal iPad from my boss As result - i add plugin for iPad. svn checkout You must also update core files from svn for work with it. Points. 1) Long tap => right mouse button click. 2) Double tap => left mouse double click...
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    Right Click on iPad; iPad 2; iPhone or other iDevices.

    mouse plugin works but i know a lot fo peopel complain about the scrolling.....
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    Right Click on iPad; iPad 2; iPhone or other iDevices.

    Thanx, but really i don't need this device. I think, i will find another way to solve this problem in the nearest future.
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    503 Service Unavailable

    hi I have one question I just intalled rtorrent workign perfectly my quesiton is if I want to close or start rtorrent what code I need to type to terminal ?
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    503 Service Unavailable

    Thank you again wonslung, what fantastic link I've been able to switch the use of apache to nginx, with relative ease using symlinks to run from the original install . I adjusted some files and voila all running hunky dory. I deffo seen a big difference in speed of handling requests and...
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    503 Service Unavailable

    yah, i'm a huge fan of cherokee. nginx is another great webserver. The thing that really makes cherokee unique though is the cheroke-admin webui. Theres nothing like it. It really makes setting up the webserver as easy as, say, setting up your router. It's one of the fastest webservers i've...
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    503 Service Unavailable

    Lo wonslung...... Success with Centos 5.4 A few tweaks needed but it worked out........thank you for you help Stubs
  13. P

    Test your ruTorrent installation

    Tried it and it doesnt make any difference. Could it be that I'm using an old version of the script? I wgetted this file: Maybe its outdated? or needs to get patched? which file...
  14. P

    Keeping rtorrent running with cron

    Update. Could not get dtach to run in the user crontabs. However, using screen worked perfectly first time. So, still no idea as to the cause of the problem, but the workaround is perfectly acceptable for me.
  15. P

    Keeping rtorrent running with cron

    Of course it does, in a USER crontab, where a concept like "home" makes sense. Also, in there, setting HOME= explicitely helps with any problems. The same goes for LANG and PATH, and a MAILTO also never hurts for diagnosing problems.
  16. P

    Installing rtorrent / rutorrent on CentOS 5 (i386)

    @sky I followed whole procedure 4-5 times on my server
  17. P

    Installing rtorrent / rutorrent on CentOS 5 (i386)

    I am also getting same error
  18. P

    How to get auto-tools working properly

    Can anyone suggest a way to use auto-tools to move torrents upon completion and also copy the torrent to an additional directory? I'm thinking an rsync/cron job or something. Any ideas are welcome...thx!
  19. P

    How to get auto-tools working properly

    it should move files from anywhere under your download directory. If you have something like as your download directory /banana/rtorrent/downloads/ and something like this as your complete directory: /banana/rtorrent/complete/ and this is set as your download directory in rtorrent, if you...