Modifying screenshot plugin..


May 25, 2018
Hello, guys.
I guess most of you know about the screenshot plugin (which IMHO is awesome..!!! smiley.gif )
Yesterday I realized that the screens it was taking were not convenient for me, because it would not pass the initial credits of the film, so my screens were not from the actual movie.
For most people this sample may be enough, but I thought I should examine this a bit in order to customize it according to my needs.
This is what I found:
In file ffmpeg.php (located in plugins/screenshot folder) in line 11 "exfrmcount" controlls the amount of screenshots and in line 13 exfrminterval controls the time between screenshots
The default values were 3 and 5 which meant that it took 3 screenshots from the first 15 seconds. I changed the number to 10 and 25, meaning that mine now takes 10 screenshots from the first 250 seconds.
There might be a better way to do this, but this is what I have found and thought about sharing...

P.S. More screenshots mean more CPU, so be careful..


May 25, 2018
In file ffmpeg.php (located in plugins/screenshot folder) in line 11 "exfrmcount" controlls the amount of screenshots and in line 13 exfrminterval controls the time between screenshots​

You don't need to correct php file. Try to open ruTorrent's "Settings" dialog and find section "Screenshots" in it.