I'm getting a "Error loading feed" error for HTTPS feeds for the rutorrent install I just setup and I'm not sure why. For example if I click "Add RSS Feed" and enter "https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name=horse_ebooks" as the feed it will give me the error. If I instead use "http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss" the feed will load properly and show up in the feed list. Searching previous posts seems to suggest that curl could be the problem, but I have the correct path to curl in my config.php file and I'm not seeing any error from rutorrent about not being able to use curl. Also, this is on Ubuntu 12.04 with rutorrent 3.5 (svn $Rev 2261). I also have another machine running Debian Squeeze rutorrent 3.5 (svn $Rev 2256) that I setup exactly the same way as this one, and it works with both HTTP and HTTPS feeds. Is there any way for me to check some sort of debug or error log to see what specifically is failing with this so I can fix it?