RSS Manager manual filter question


May 25, 2018
Hello everyone,

I was a long time user of utorrent, but just got a seedbox and have been using rutorrent. It seem pretty easy switch over, but I had a question about writing the filters for the RSS Manager.

In utorrent I could string together items to search for with the | operator. So it would look like this:

*The Simpsons*|*Dexter*|*Bates Motel*

This would pull any of these from my RSS feed that I picked.

I could also put in to exclude things like


In the exclude line.

There was also a way to select the the file type that you want (720, Web Rip, HDTV)

I figured out how to write a single selection and exclusion


But I would like to do something like use the | or how ever to do what I did in utorrent.

Can someone help me?

Thanks so much.