"Save to" (datadir) plugin causing torrents to be restarted


May 25, 2018
Hi there,

I've used the "Save to" functionality supplied by the datadir plugin (I think) to move torrents + data from one directory to another for a long time now. However, after recently reinstalling my server with the latest stable version of rTorrent and ruTorrent, I've noticed that when I move a torrent + data to a new directory, the torrent is restarted as if it was just added. ie. It goes to the top of the list when sorted by Added, and all upload / ratio stats are reset.

I'm not 100% sure if this is a plugin issue, or a ruTorrent issue or even an rTorrent issue. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

rTorrent 0.9.2/0.13.2
ruTorrent 3.6

Update: My apologies, I think the reason for this behaviour is that "Fast resume" is ticked by default. If I untick that, it doesn't exhibit the above behaviour. However, I am still a bit confused. I thought that without Fast Resume, it would perform a hash check after moving, but mine does not do that either way (gladly).


May 25, 2018
It goes to the top of the list when sorted by Added, and all upload / ratio stats are reset.
This is a normal behavior. "Fast resume" mean - delete torrent, and add it with a "Fast resume" option.
I thought that without Fast Resume, it would perform a hash check after moving, but mine does not do that either way (gladly).
This depends from target. For example, if you save torrent to the another partition (without "Fast resume" option checked), then hash check will be performed.