Strange and complex problem with RSS plugin !


May 24, 2018
I have a very strange problem with the RSS plugin.
When I add a this particular feed '' it says "Error loading feed. (". (This is not strange so far at all, keep reading.)

The problem is occur only with this feed, I was able to add several feeds, download torrents automatically and manually from them.
Now comes the weird part: when I add this feed, and rutorrent says cant read it, after that, I am unable to reach that webserver at all from that machine which rutorrent is running on!!

1.) I log in to the site from machine called CAPALI (which has configured rutorrent w/ apache2, php, etc.) browsing the site
2.) then I add the site's feed from my iMac and BAMM, I cannot reach the site ( from CAPALI anymore, neither with a browser nor triing with "telnet 80" - no connection. However it answers to ping requests.
3.) I have to restart networking on CAPALI if I want to reach it again.
(CAPALI is running latest Ubuntu server.)
4.) However the iMAc can connect no problem.

I tried everything; different versions of rutorrent; 3.1, with the right plugins and now with latest svn, still the same problem.
Recompiled rtorrent and libtorrent from scratch with latest xmlrpc-c libraries. Tried installed from packages same problem too.


rtorrent 0.8.6, libtorrent 0.12.6 (compiled from latest sources with latest xmlrp-c)
php-5.2.2 (Zend server CE)

I configured everything properly, web user can read/write rutorrent directory, I can add torrents from filesystem, I can move data around the hard rives, so other plugins working fine, and as I told other feeds working fine, filters working as expected, etc. (So sad it would be my most important feed.)
I use cookies with the Cookies plugin with another feed, working fine.

However the problem is only occur in Mac os X 10.6, but every browser. If I restart it to BOOTCAMP with win7 it works... can read that feed too ! (I hardly use windows, so its not a solution)

I'm behind a dd-wrt modded router, the two computers (iMac and CAPALI) connect the internet through that, but only CAPALI has this connection issue, the iMAc never.

I checked apache2 error and acces logs, but I found nothing strange.
I cant find the rutorrent error.log in /tmp/ as linked in rutorrent conf.php. How can I enable it ?

Any recommendation where should I search next?


May 25, 2018
I searched the forum for hours, nobody had close the same problem as me; they have no feeds working at all, or configured rutorrent improperly, had permission issues, missed curl or something, etc...


May 25, 2018
if you are running the "latest ubuntu server" why do you have such an old version of php?
because I use the Zend Server CE from packages. The latest comes with that. (maybe today updated)

EDIT: it was a typo, my version is 5.3.2


May 25, 2018
i've never heard of this problem. It's hard to even guess what is wrong.

I'm also not sure i entirely understand what is happening.

are you saying that the machine running rtorrent/rutorrent becomes inaccessable via webbrowser or SSH but still replies to ping? only after trying to load this feed?


May 25, 2018
i've never heard of this problem. It's hard to even guess what is wrong.
That's my problem tooo !
I'm also not sure i entirely understand what is happening.

are you saying that the machine running rtorrent/rutorrent becomes inaccessable via webbrowser or SSH but still replies to ping? only after trying to load this feed?
I wasnt clear. So, after I try to load the feed on my iMac, THAT site becomes inaccessible FROM capali ! (everything else is fine.) so i can't browse that anymore, but any other connectivity is ok. Strange.
Maybe it's something with the router because when I put capali in DMZ nothing is wrong, but it makes my whole system a huge security leak because that machine has a loooot ot services open direct to the internet...