Strange permission issue


May 24, 2018
My torrent box has been running for a month with no issues. Since my last power outtage, I've noticed that every time I add a new torrent I'm getting this error: "Storage error: [File chunk write error: Permission denied.]" and the torrent hangs there.

Assuming its permission, the only way for me to force to download is to "sudo chown -R username /media/torrent".

Now my torrent is download through my nas which is mount via cifs. "//whale/torrent /media/torrent cifs username=username,password=password,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 0 "

When I do ls -l /media/torrent, I get "drwxrwxrwx 66 username users 0 feb 8 07:42"

Anyone able to assist? It is quite annoying having to sudo chown everytime I want to start downloading. It might be something simple but I'm totally missing it.

Thank you!