FileUpload: folders and bulk upload


May 25, 2018
The FileUpload, and Filemanager are two plugins that use and more like Rutorrent. They - along with all the advantages they offer - make using the Plowshare. And this is a great seedbox, for example.

I would propose to hwk, author of plugins some implementations:
- Support upload folders and bulk upload, which are easily supported by Plowshare (plowup host / folder / *);
- Improved context menu in Chrome FileUpload (unable to view some hosts when the list is large). In Firefox works fine;
- Possibility to include new host Plowshare implemented by the GUI (without the need to edit the conf.php and Fileupload.dat);
- Keep log files sent in GUI Rutorrent / FileUpload;
- Standardizing the location of the generated links (clickable) in the upper FileUpload.