RSS feeds don't always appear...


May 25, 2018
I've got a strange problem which I can't seem to reproduce reliably. I understand that in such cases, it's usually difficult to identify the cause, but I'll throw it out there in case you guys have experienced it and can offer assistance.

Sometimes when rutorrent loads, my 6 RSS feeds in the bottom-left corner will simply be absent. The area will report "All Feeds (0)" as if I haven't configured any feeds. When this occurred, I'd just refresh the webpage and they'd usually reappear immediately, although in the odd case I'd need to refresh a second time.

Before my upgrade of rutorrent3.0-->rutorrent3.1 last night, I noticed this problem only 5-10% of the time.
After my upgrade last night, I'm noticing this problem maybe 95% of the time.

I use safari by default, and so far I haven't been able to get safari to read the RSS feeds once since my upgrade yesterday.
When I tried in Firefox, I got it to finally load only two times after about 20 refreshes.
IE8 seems to load the RSS feeds 100% of the time - I haven't encountered the problem once with IE8.

When the RSS feeds do finally load, they seem to have retained all of my settings. Each feed has its full URL, and the RSS manager shows all of my regex filters and settings exactly as I had entered them.
When the RSS feeds do NOT load, no feeds are listed and the RSS Manager is blank. No regex filters or settings are retained.

Do any of you folks have bright ideas?
I was considering deleting the RSS cache files from my /share/users/username/settings directory and then re-adding each of my feeds/regexes, but I'm not sure exactly which files/directories to delete.
Could this be a result of my upgrade? I never stopped rtorrent or apache - I just sorta replaced files... Since then I've restarted rtorrent and httpd numerous times in different orders to no avail.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


May 25, 2018
Bwah! okay the problem got weirder, but perhaps easier to solve?
It seems to be related to this other problem I noticed after upgrading:

That problem is about the multiuser setup not working.
This problem is RSS feed oddities.

I've just recreated all of my RSS feeds and regex settings, and took a look in my /share/users/username/settings/rss folder and didn't see any files there. Odd.
When I looked in the generic folder /share/share/settings/rss I saw some files. Editing them in nano and I saw all of the regexes and feeds that I just added above.

So - yet another thing that's all screwy due to lack of multi-user.

For the record, my webbrowser *does* prompt me for a user/pass when I visit my rutorrent site.


May 25, 2018

did you switch from having authentication to not having it or vise versa?

(did you switch from having a username/password to not having one)

if so, that is your issue....rss along with other plugin data is saved in different spots depending on your username

so for instance....if you set up rutorrent WITHOUT a username/password your info would be saved at


if you set it up WITH a username (let's say username is john) it would be at



May 25, 2018
From day one I set up rutorrent to be multi-user aware.
It has never run in a single-user setup.

The only change i've made recently is upgrading to the latest revision of rutorrent as of last night. Once I did this, I noticed that my user-specific configuration at /conf/users/tigereye was not being used; the default one at /conf was being used in its place despite me providing username/password.

It seems this issue was directly related to my other issue. No RSS feeds were appearing because rutorrent was pulling my feeds from the generic folder and not my user folder.
I noticed this in the last post when re-adding them; they were put into the generic folder.

Oddly though, it seems that IE8 was using my user-specific configuration? See my first post above when I noticed that IE8 worked fine...



May 25, 2018
your second post was added while i was responding to your first

anyways, your issue is likely due to you making a mistake in your multi-user config.

If you upgraded from 3.0 to the latest svn there are lots of changes to config.php in rutorrent/conf/ (and for multi user rutorrent/conf/users/USERNAME/ )

so what you probably need to do is delete any old config.php files from the user directories and copy in the new config.php, then set it up correctly.

also, make sure rutorrent/share is owned by the webuser (and all it's subdirectories)

so if your webuser is www you'd do something like:
chown -R www:www rutorrent/share


May 25, 2018
lol, you keep responding right beforeme....

you didn't mess up and set this did you:
$forbidUserSettings = true;

if so, that would cause problems (it should be false for multiuser setup)

you need to understand that between 3.0 and svn theres been a lot of changes to the config.php file, so DELETE THE OLD ONE IN YOUR USER DIRECTORY and add the new one, then edit it accordingly


May 25, 2018
That variable is set to false, as default.

I have deleted my config files (all 3) and replaced all of them with copies of the defaults as-checked-out from SVN last night.
I then re-applied my edits (ports, paths, etc)

The problem still persists.

Thanks for the help, wonslung!


May 25, 2018
i don't know what to tell you bro, you've got something screwed up.

you've either screwed up your webauth or your rutorrent settings

did you make sure to shut down rtorrent and restart it?

which webserver are you user? which os? what are your usernames? what did you name the directory for your users in rutorrent/conf/users

they should be lowercase even if the usernames have upercase letters (this is just how basic auth works)

you've made a mistake somewhere, i promise

did you make sure to upgrade the plugins as well?