2012-01-12 -- Error with the latest SVN version


May 25, 2018
Hi All,

Not sure where to post this, so here it goes.

I have setup my new VPS the other day. I am using the latest stable version of rtorrent (0.8.9) along with the latest SVN of rutorrent.

So the issue i have been noticing is that rutorrent/rtorrent will run fine for a number of days then it will either crash by itself or it will not start back up after a system restart.

I have narrowed it down to having possible bat torrents or issues in the /watch and /session directories. So when i clear out those directories and restart rtorrent rutorrent is back up and working. I then add in the torrents again to the watch and it will crash again.

So i updated to the latest SVN as of today and still there is this issue.

Hashing: Checking hash [100%] Torrent.Name.In.Here [OPEN] done 102.9 MB Rate: 0.0 / 0.0 KB Uploaded: 0.0 MB [T R: 0.00] Hashing: Checking hash [100%]
( 0:53:39) Using 'epoll' based polling.
( 0:53:39) Using 'epoll' based polling.
( 0:53:39) Closed log file.
( 0:53:39) XMLRPC initialized with 897 functions.
( 0:53:39) The SCGI socket is bound to a specific network device yet may still pose a security risk, consider using 'scgi_local'.
( 0:53:39) Closed XMLRPC log.
Caught Segmentation fault, dumping stack:B] [Port: 55950] [U 0/0] [D 0/0] [H 0/32] [S 0/2/65023] [F 256/256]
0 rtorrent() [0x40fa2d]
1 rtorrent() [0x44b255]
2 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x33d80) [0x7f2bf01b0d80]
3 /lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8(BN_num_bits+0x1) [0x7f2beed3c0b1]
4 /usr/lib/libtorrent.so.14(+0xc946d) [0x7f2bf17cb46d]
5 /usr/lib/libtorrent.so.14(+0xab1e7) [0x7f2bf17ad1e7]
6 /usr/lib/libtorrent.so.14(+0xac61f) [0x7f2bf17ae61f]
7 /usr/lib/libtorrent.so.14(_ZN7torrent9PollEPoll7performEv+0xf5) [0x7f2bf173d605]
8 rtorrent() [0x4d394c]
9 rtorrent() [0x414212]
10 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xff) [0x7f2bf019beff]
11 rtorrent() [0x40e869]
user@user:/$ rtorrent

So what i did is then download latest stable of rutorrent v3.3 and installed this copy.

I added all my torrents back into the /session and /watch direcroty and started rtorrent.
It worked. So with what i thought was bad torrents issues with the latest SVN version, definatly works with the older 3.3 version.

So i am pretty sure this is a bug in the latest version of SVN of rutorrent, since when i load an older version of rutorrent it works without issues on the same set of .torrent and session files.

Now i am not sure how to provide more details on this, however there is something in the new SVN version that has introduced some issue with torrent files.

FYI, i have always used the latest SVN for the past 12 months or so, however i hadn't updated for the past 2 months or so, so i am pretty sure this is a new issue that has been introduced over this time.

If you need more info let me know how to collect it and i will do my best to.

Does anyone else have these issues?



May 25, 2018
Hi Novik,

thanks for the reply.

Right. it is strange that when i change back to an older version of rutorrent it works.

Is there anything i can provide you to help troubleshoot it? As this seems to be just an issue in the last few SVN releases.



May 25, 2018
what novik is saying is that if you remove all of the plugins and add them back one by one you can figure out which one is causing it to fail. I've had to do this before, most of the time i've been able to use this method to figure out what is wrong and solve the problem


May 25, 2018
Hi Guys,

Ok so i have found out which plugin is causing the issues. Its the Autotools plugin.

When i disable this plugin i have no issues with rutorrent/rtorrent.

Has this plugin been updated recently? I have the latest SVN version running.



May 25, 2018
Hi Novik,

Ok really sorry for the false alarm, however that didn't work. i rebooted the VPS a few times and its failing again sad.gif

I have also disabled every single plugin and still it is crashing.So i am a but stuck as to what is causing this problem.

Have you got any more ideas? Is there a way for me to collect logs on whats going on?



May 24, 2018
I have also disabled every single plugin and still it is crashing.So i am a but stuck as to what is causing this problem.
Doesn't use webui at all during some time and check. If this problem still happens - than this is a rtorrent issue. Ask rtorrent author about this.


May 25, 2018
Hi Novik,

Really sorry mate, i should have tested this all before i posted again. I caused the above few errors in my last post. I had changed the rutorrent dir (/var/www/rutorrent) to a custom dir. I didn't then update the line in the .rtorrent.rc file to reflect this change, therefore it caused rtorrent to crash.

Anyways i have now disabled the following plugins:
enabled = no
enabled = no
enabled = no
enabled = no
enabled = no
enabled = no
enabled = no
enabled = no
enabled = no

And with them specifically disabled in the config things are working. I have rebooted the VPS over and over again and no issues.

So let me test this over the next few days and ill post if i have any issues back in this thread.

Thank you for replying so quickly.
