No, I think you are confused, or I didn't explain my position well enough.
When rTorrent or it's user creates a file (when you load it with a .torrent), it MUST have write restrictions in place to prevent the files from moving by other while they are downloading or seeding. This means that the file creation mask needs to be something like 755, where it prevents anyone but rTorrents user to modify the files. If the creation mask was 777, rTorrent may be downloading or seeding from the file when someone comes along and moves it for whatever reason (reason here is not important, what's important is the fact that it's moved). Moving or deleting a file that is active in rTorrent can be annoying, because rTorrent assumes that it won't be altered. When it is, it may spit back errors, think it's a faulty download, and try again by downloading the entire torrent again.
So, point 1: rTorrent needs a 755 mask while it's working with torrents to avoid those file from being altered by someone who doesn't know what they're doing or not paying attention.
However, if the torrent is removed from rTorrent, rTorrent no longer needs to have absolute control over writing to the file(s) owned by that torrent. It may be moved around, deleted, renamed, etc since rTorrent is no longer tracking it (that is to day there is no download and/or upload activity involved with that torrent or it's files). However, it still has the 755 mask from when it was created, preventing others to move, delete, rename, or otherwise modify it.
So, point 2: if rTorrent, or ruTorrent via a plugin, could chmod the file(s) once the torrent is deleted from rTorrent to new permissions based on what the TorrentMaster(tm) wants, this doesn't become a problem.
Hope I explained it better this time. All I want is for rTorrent to relinquish control over files that it no longer monitors, while still denying write access to files that it's using.
Unless I really am the one confused...