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  1. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    okay, but the CPU usage is also badly wrong. I just checked everything with CPU usage. Can someone explain what reason is ruTorrent have such a wrong information? here the results:
  2. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    can't help you there, I don't have any experience using webmin
  3. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    All configuration and files do not depend on the system. So, you may use .rtorrent.rc file after putting it in proper location and all rutorrent data because its supposed to be in www catalog just after coping it.
  4. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Since you're running apache 2.4.7 and there's a "/var/www/html" dir, that's most likely your root webdir. Type in terminal "mv /var/www/rutorrent /var/www/html" and everything will probably start working btw, if you had read the guide more carefully, you would've known about this and how to tell...
  5. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Honestly, I have no idea why it doesn't wok for you. The only thing that I can think of is that for some reason there's a whitespace or something in front of build_dep on line 182 in your script. You could try the following though: 1. copy and paste the whole thing in windows notepad again 2...
  6. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Hi, and wow...thanks for the quick reply! I ran the script and here is the output: Code: start here-doc done As a bit of background, in case it helps, the OS is Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS - a fresh install yesterday on a Dell Poweredge R220.
  7. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    You should read the documentation about init scripts of the distro you're using. Since you probably just want a simple script that works for your own comfort, you can ignore everything about LSB guidelines. Raspbian is based on Debian which uses SysVinit and the standard way to do init scripts...
  8. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    I found out the problem now. I had to make the destination folder to www that it can be access with "Get file" everything working now It now working I also used another script which allow me create multiple users. I used this script...
  9. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Thanks Kabeleon, it seems that Apache is not installed but now it is stuck on another issue. from the log result Aptitude is not installed either. " eval: line 1: aptitude: not found Exiting with status code 127." I spent some time reading about it. Do you think it is possible...
  10. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    You shouldn't do that. You should log in as a "normal" user and use commands such as "sudo" or "su" when you temporary need root permissions. btw, root has permission to do ANYTHING! That's also the reason why it's unsafe and why you shouldn't always use root I have no idea what you're saying...
  11. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    I've modified the script so that if the "APACHE" flag is set (it is by default), Apache will be installed first and after that, it will check for a valid user and group website owner try to run the new script
  12. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    The problem is that i have installe rTorrent twice. I got one in home folder/downloads/rtorrent but it is version 0.9.0 But the version in your script is 0.9.4 I can not find where it has been installted. The .rtorrent.rc I found twice. Code: ~# find / -name rtorrent.rc...
  13. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Take a look at But are you saying that everything is working fine but you still get an error? Don't know but probably yes, try and see Are you serious? How do you otherwise copy files to the NAS? Just do it that way and see...
  14. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Euh... the error clearly says what's missing if you're sure you're passing a valid username, you'll need to give me more info but I doubt that's the case you'll have to figure that one out on your own or ask help to someone else (mabye bittorrent related IRC channels?) since the project moved...
  15. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    showstopper do you leave the < > around the domain name or IP address when you replace it? I left them and works so thanks for the detailed instructions guys.
  16. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    This is just to share my late experience. Yesterday I decided to upgrade my Ubuntu server from 12.04 to 14.04. After that, rutorrent stoped working saying that the url (myserver/rutorrent) wasn't found. I found out that the Apache version that comes with Ubuntu 14.04 (Apache 2.4.7/built on...
  17. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Hi! Ofc! Code: sudo sh trutka Please specify a valid user. Exiting with status code 1. and cat /etc/passwd Code: cat /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh...
  18. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Firstly, thank you for this excellent script. Makes it easier to quickly redeploy this when I need to. Now on to the issue I did encounter, I did not have this issue on a Debian 6 install, but I made a fresh VM of Debian 7 with sudo installed and a user belonging to the sudo group. Besides those...
  19. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Yes, you'll have to edit all your torrents to get rid of the retracker.local URLs. Haven't tried the retrackers plugin but it should be able to do that. You can also use this script (place it in the same dir as your *.torrent files and run it) Not really sure but I think yes, it's possible...
  20. S

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Hi, I have a question about memory usage, I used your guide to make it on my raspberry Pi (only difference I turned off atomic operations in libtorrent), the problem is that it's much more memory usage compared to 0.9.3 what can be a cause of this? (Maybe some of this precompiled functions can...