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    change chunk priority

    See f.prioritize_first.enable f.prioritize_first.disable f.prioritize_last.enable f.prioritize_last.disable etc.
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    Hash comparison. The safest way.
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    Is it possible to write a plugin which checks for already existing torrents? So that multible users are warned with "The torrent already exists". I think that would be really nice to have?
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    Need a Fully featured Screenshot plugin just change the resolution in the settings if you require a different size.
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    filemanager plugin permission

    I am using this filemanager in rutorrent this filemanager shows all files (including root and all) but i want that it will only show the download folder and other folders inside it. need help guys thx in advance
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    extsearch plugin addition

    Damn.. missed this reply... Thanks... done!
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    extsearch plugin addition

    Push it, please. Don't know, really. May be, use that parameter as category?
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    AutoTools - Auto Move leaving torrents complete and not seeding.

    updating rutorrent to v 3.5 will surely solve you problem.
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    rTorrent Manager (Start Stop Restart rtorrent)

    1. 'multirpc' plugin. This is a integration solution for several users, who work at the some hosting. With this plugin user can - See torrents, owned by another users. And run some core commands (start, stop, etc) for its. - Mark torrents as 'visible' or 'hidden' for another users. - When user...
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    rTorrent Manager (Start Stop Restart rtorrent)

    Such plugin is exist. But it is commercial. For got it you must 1) Send $15 to donation link 2) Register at the (if you hasn't registration yet, of course) 3) Send letter with your login from point 2 to me (novik65[at]
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    Chat plugin

    getting a undefined cachedEcho error at the end of action.php script I can't work out why?
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    Chat plugin

    1 of my users is getting this msg : Chat plugin: Invalid opened update value Any idea ??
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    Chat plugin

    How can I let the CHAT settings NOT appear in the settings menu ??
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    Chat plugin

    the solaris box has PHP 5.2.12 (mod_php) with apache 2.2 All my other boxes run php 5.3.3 (php-fpm) with nginx. I will probably eventually build nginx and php-fpm for the solaris box but i haven't gotten around to it
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    Chat plugin

    I got it working...I'm nto sure why but it was failing to load originally. I saw some error messages regaurding "PEAR" but upon reloading everything it seems to be working.
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    Chat plugin

    Did some major updates (currently only applied to the SVN version) to the plugin. Did some rewriting so each user gets a /chat/ dir in their settings dir with all available chats (main and PM). I fixed the bug where it showed the day of last month instead of this month, I didn't notice that...
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    Chat plugin

    Yup, I think this is enough to avoid XSS but correct me if I'm wrong: Code: text = text.replace(/&(?!\w+([;\s]|$))/g, "&amp;"); text = text.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;"); Hadn't thought of that, that saves some lines of code and calculations too. I've updated the plugin with this...
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    Chat plugin

    Hey there, I recently started using ruTorrent (before I was just using rTorrent and made a simple PHP page to upload/list/remove torrents from the watchdir) and I thought it might be nice to communicate with other users on the same ruTorrent setup. So I made this chat plugin and thought other...
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    Rutracker_check plug-in upgrade

    First of all, one question - do you understand Russian? Sorry, but i can't see this in your code. Anyway, svn version of plugin doesn't check torrents date more. And doesn't make unnecessary loading of torrents. Try to check it.
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    Parse UL/DL Speed

    Just use xmlrpc. Or get going, then it's a call to /json/engine to get this: { "download": [ 23, 568320 ], "engine_id": "cube:6310", "now": 1365251354.666424, "upload": [ 18, 63488...