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  1. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    ahh, forgive me...too much ambien before writing that post. but yah, there is a dependencies for mediainfo....i wanna say it's called libzen
  2. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    do you have mediainfo installed? if so do you have the path set in the conf.php for the plugin?
  3. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    it works fine for me on arch with the latest rutorrent.
  4. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    This is my error - incorrect diagnostic. Fixed.
  5. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    This is a not true. It check this path. If you don't have open_basedir setted, then i must to see on this.
  6. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    still no joy. Code: <?php $pathToExternals[&#39;mediainfo&#39;] = &#39;/usr/bin/mediainfo&#39;; // Something like /usr/bin/mediainfo. If empty, will be founded in PATH. ?> and the path is right: Code: # which mediainfo /usr/bin/mediainfo but still:
  7. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    Turns out there was a small bug and the path set in conf.php was not being used. This should be resolved now
  8. R

    Mediainfo Plugin

    you're free to write one if you like. sounds like an excelent bounty item.
  9. R

    fileupload plugin

    Plugin SVN: Code: svn co Guide: Changes for version 0.02 -Updated the filehosts services to the current plowshare trunk -Some js tweaks - share/user/settings/fileuploads.dat must be...
  10. R

    problems with create plugin

    All i know is mktorrent works fine with the svn version
  11. R

    problems with create plugin

    done, I tried to create a torrent from a big file (~7GB), started hashing but at half way it stopped with same "error" (try to correct torrent file... done).
  12. R

    Create torrent plugin problem

    in terminal: Code: whereis php5 whereis mktorrent whereis
  13. R

    RSS plugin: Web server user can't access curl program

    /usr/curl doesn't sound right. /usr/bin/curl sounds right. either way, unix gives you many ways to locate things. If it's a binary, in your PATH you can use which Code: which curl If it's a file and you don't know where it might be, you can use FIND Code: find . -name "curl"(this will...
  14. R

    RSS plugin: Web server user can't access curl program

    on debian, it's as simple as doing: Code: apt-get install curl Then setting the proper path in your config.php file (which would be /usr/bin/curl ) or you can do as nicobubulle says, and compile curl from source. If you did this, you could set the path to anything you like by using the...
  15. R

    [RSS] 'Error Loading Feed' on every feed [solved]

    I came home last night to find that all my RSS feeds had been reset, which while annoying wasn't all that problematic. However, I'm posting here now because when I tried to put those feeds back into the RSS plugin, no matter what feed or whether it had been working earlier that day or not got...
  16. R

    Diskspace plugin refresh time

    Yeah text file is the solution.
  17. R

    Diskspace plugin refresh time

    See Options->General->User interface->Update GUI every
  18. R

    rTorrent's user can't access.... and so on error

    Code: ls -al /var/www/rutorrent/share Code: drwxrwxrwx 6 kufra kufra 4096 2010-05-21 21:59 . drwxrwxrwx 10 kufra kufra 4096 2010-05-21 21:59 .. drwxrwxrwx 5 kufra kufra 4096 2010-05-21 21:59 settings drwxrwxrwx 6 kufra kufra 4096 2010-05-21 21:52 .svn drwxrwxrwx 3 kufra kufra 20480...
  19. R

    rTorrent's user can't access.... and so on error

    also, make sure the files are readable by the rtorrent user make sure share is owned by the webuser chances are, you didn't do this.... if rutorrent is at /var/www/rutorrent Code: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/rutorrent/share the reason this will cause issues is php can't save any...
  20. R

    Stop seeding after x amount of hours

    open a bounty perhaps?