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  1. R

    Stop seeding after x amount of hours

    currently the only way i know of to do this would be a complicated use of scripting and watch dirs.
  2. R

    RSS Plugin: save longer 'backlog' of rss entries

    Hi all, RSS seems to only save a feed's entries up to 30, I'd like to extend, to say 100, can any explain how? Thanks
  3. R

    Autotools: moved torrents can not be seeded after rtorrent restart.

    as long as you have it set up with .rtorrent.rc and your plugin conf.php files it shoudl work. Mine works fine upon stop/start
  4. R

    Sorting rss filters alphabetically

    yah, i feel long as you know how to find them....that's why i asked for that feature to begin and you are on the same page. When you have 200+ filters having some sort of order is important.
  5. R

    Sorting rss filters alphabetically

    which version do you have? This was added WAAAAAY back in 2.8 ( ) notice my filters? all alphabetic.
  6. R

    [geoip] advanced lookup

    Hi I want to know how to change advanced lookup link in my GeoIP plugin. Now after double click on peer Im redirected to$IP but I want to visit$IP instead. I tried to find ""...
  7. R

    FTN feeds not saving correctly

    so i just add my cookie info from the ftn rss wizard link to the cookies section of rutorrent's settings window? (pardon my ignorance with this, just used to utorrents way of handling these types of feeds, e.g. just copying and pasting the ftn rss download link into a new utorrent feed entry)...
  8. R

    Problem With Certain RSS Feeds

    Hi, I have curl installed in /opt/bin, so would that be in rutorrent's search path? thx
  9. R

    RSS feeds don't always appear...

    i don't know what to tell you bro, you've got something screwed up. you've either screwed up your webauth or your rutorrent settings did you make sure to shut down rtorrent and restart it? which webserver are you user? which os? what are your usernames? what did you name the directory for...
  10. R

    RSS downloaded torrents lost upon rtorrent restart.

    yah, the thing you need to understand about rtorrent is that it is designed to be used from the command line. when you add a torrent to rtorrent, it's normally done manually. The .session driectory basically holds torrents that are running and if rtorrent stops, will reload them all. Without...
  11. R

    RSS downloaded torrents lost upon rtorrent restart.

    You need to configure session in rtorrent by normal way.
  12. R

    RSS autodownload

    I followed the tutorial and manual download works fine's, but autodownload doesn't work at all. It updates that RSS feed list with new torrents and I can see "status: RSS", why it doesn't start downloading automatically. Tried with filter and without it. In filter I didn't specific any regexp...
  13. R

    autoRARing after downloading

    i don't know, it might be free. You can always request it. My suggestion was you could offer a bounty of some ammount and maybe someone would write it for that. I personally do not need such a thing so i never considered it.
  14. R

    autoRARing after downloading

    what? I just told you that there is not a plugin for that yet. There is a plugin which will automatically unrar something but nothing which will put stuff into a rar (unless you count xirivik's explorer plugin but this isn't available to you, so i didn't mention it) If you wish to write such a...
  15. R

    RSS and Traffic not working

    No permissions are given , just who owns what & who runs what. TRy to chmod the folders to 777 : chmod 777 -R /path/tohomefolder chmod 777 -R /path/towebuifolder Maybe this helps ….
  16. R

    RSS and Traffic not working

    Logging of what? Rutorrent or rtorrent, cause I searched this forum about rutorrent logging and I couldn't find how to do that.
  17. R

    RSS and Traffic not working

    Well what exactly did you change, cause I'm experiencing the same problem. Thanks
  18. R

    _getdir V3.2 empty permission set to 777 but...

    Double post
  19. R

    rss filters transfer

    Just wondering if there is a way to backup/transfer all of the filters in the rss? I am moving to a new server and have 97 filters. Last time i did it, i just copied and pasted. Would be nice if there was a way to just transfer it over. Or even just as a back up
  20. R

    [Solved] Unable to load/access the Throttle plugin

    Hi Thank for the answer. I completely forget to check the "Plugins" tab ... But no, Throttle is not listed there. So I try to remove the Throttle directory & the line on the .rtorrent.rc, then I reinstall it (from svn), but Throttle is still not available (and not listed) ! Is there a way to...