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  1. S

    Ratio-Plugin Description needed

    are you sure you built it with that version? the reason i ask is i've seen a few systems where people had an svn version of xmlrpc-c but they also had an older version in the base system. When they built rtorrent, they didn't specify the path for the newer version, which caused it to build with...
  2. S

    Ratio-Plugin Description needed

    I use the SVN one... thnx
  3. S

    Ratio-Plugin Description needed

    0.8.4 didn't support ratios in the same way as the later versions. 0.8.6 uses the same ratio system as 0.8.5 so, yes, it does support them. Rutorrent's ratio plugin requires rtorrent 0.8.5 or later.
  4. S

    Create Plugin, Syntax Error?

    Hello Everyone, I am having an issue with the create plugin, I am able to browse, and select files/folders for torrent creation, but once I select the file/files, enter the required information, I hit Create at which point it goes through the process of creating the torrent metafile, once the...
  5. S

    NO paths showing when creating a torrent

    yes, no prob. with php
  6. S

    NO paths showing when creating a torrent

    what do you mean cycling? it could be your webserver time out.
  7. S

    NO paths showing when creating a torrent

    I guess, web-server user on your system hasn't access to rtorrent default storage directory. I need to see to your system for say something. SSH + ruTorrent account. mailto:novik65[at]
  8. S

    NO paths showing when creating a torrent

    it could only be a couple things. one, permission errors two, you set the top level dir wrong in the conf (it MUST have a trailing slash, if you are unsure, leave it at '/') three, you don't have the _getdir plugin.
  9. S

    [RSS] Where to save the .torrent files

    no's a common mistake.
  10. S

    RSS Wildcard

    Hey, I'm trying to catch anything that comes through a 'personal' RSS feed, how can I do this? I've tried the following, all to no avail: * ? /*/i /*/ ** ?? Can someone enlighten me? I'm sure it's prettty simple, but I'm no syntax nerd. Regards
  11. S

    create torrent help

    then there has to be something wrong wiht your php install. show output of the webserver error logs. try updating to php 5.3 those are 2 things i can think of. Is this rutorrent 3.1? If not, upgrade to 3.1 If it is 3.1 try latest svn.
  12. S

    create torrent help

    perhaps you aren't letting it run long enough. I'd recommend using buildtorrent and setting it up in the my opinion, it's more reliable than the default.
  13. S

    Plugins will not start (probably apache/permission issue)

    If you had looked in the tutorials , you would have know shoudl not use the repo versions All info is in the how-to's / tutorials Just make 100% sure you have all needed aps installed .. and then it is all a piece of cake
  14. S

    Problem with data plugin

    as novik says, try the latest svn of both rutorrent and the plugin.
  15. S

    Problem with data plugin

    i don't know what to say seems like a permission problem or a webserver config problem or a php problem. Like i said, the software itself works fine when it's set up right....i wish i could be of more help...i feel really bad just saying "works for me" but at this point, without...
  16. S

    Problem with data plugin

    Latest SVN, as of earlier this evening. config.php Code: <?php // configuration parameters // for snoopy client @define(&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;, &#39;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pl; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0&#39;, true)...
  17. S

    create plugin & mktorrent issues

    Hi I've got rtorrent + rutorrent webui up and running on my Ubuntu server. Seeding & leeching are all OK but I'm getting all sorts of problems when creating torrents no matter using the built-in create plugin or mktorrent... issue 1 - default create plugin After choosing a source directory...
  18. S

    RSS Plugin - Episode Tracking

    Looking into that, though I must say that the current plugin is slightly intimidating to dive into as a first OOPHP task ^^
  19. S

    RSS Plugin - Episode Tracking

    it's still on an inferior filesystem unfortunately. There is nothing out there even close to ZFS currently.
  20. S

    RSS Plugin - Episode Tracking

    Haha - quite probably. My tracker is good - it has what I need - and you already know it's shortcomings.