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  1. S

    RSS Manager Autostart

    then you need to update to standard rtorrent/rutorrent
  2. S

    RSS Manager Autostart

    nope, sounds like you've got something set up wrong. Rss auto-start works fine. you may need to up the refresh rate., the default is 30 minutes. check rutorrent/plugins/rss/conf.php
  3. S

    Interface is not styled...

    this is great! thank you guys!
  4. S

    Interface is not styled...

    Yes, it looks fine after I installed Apache... I tried the tip suggested by gijsyo, but still doesn't work, so I presume lighttpd on arch x86_64 is to blame. Anyway, I'll keep apache for now. here's a shot with firefox "Basic page style":
  5. S

    Interface is not styled...

    I'll try it with apache this weekend and keep you posted.... we'll see if that's fine.
  6. S

    Interface is not styled...

    As you can see in the screenshots, it looks perfect on Opera, only browsers using webkit and gekko engines are not showing it fine.... that's not a big issue for me (yet!), but I'd like to be able to browse my seedbox on any browser.
  7. S

    Interface is not styled...

    I'm not using the AUR package either. I just downloaded the latest rutorrent from the google code page and put it in my http root directory.
  8. S

    Interface is not styled...

    Ok, so now I'm at work, on a windows machine. This is how it looks: 1. Firefox (4 beta 6) with no add-ons installed. 2. Chrome 6.0.472.63 3. Opera - this is how it should look I also tried it in IE8 and it looks fine. I have no idea why this happens and if this is normal. Also, I tried...
  9. S

    Interface is not styled...

    no. Javascript is enabled on both browsers. I am a regular user of google reader, which uses a lot of js.
  10. S

    Interface is not styled...

    I also have this problem. For me it doesn't work with Chromium and Firefox, but Opera is just fine. Also, I disabled AdBlock Plus completely in Firefox and Chromium and still can't see the interface as it should be. I'm on Archlinux x86_64, using lighttpd - I think this doesn't matter as Opera...
  11. S

    Cherokee and 'XML cannot be the whole program'

    Hey all, I've been running rutorrent for a while now fine on lighttpd, but I've had to swap to cherokee for other reasons and I can't seem to get rutorrent to work. I'm getting a JS error, XML cannot be the whole program. Not sure what this means, nor what to do. I'd appriciate any help, so I...
  12. S

    Caught Segmentation fault

    Oh. My bad. I actually thought that being in the normal download directory, those would also be stable versions. Thanks, i'll try that. Edit: Worked like a charm. Thanks again.
  13. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    yah, you're missing something. cron should be pretty trival to get working. Like i said, make sure each user is in the crontab group.
  14. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    you've done something wrong. As rasc said, you need to make sure the settings are correct. A startup script isn't going to solve your shitty settings, it will just start rtorrent settings-be-damned.
  15. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    it could be a number of things. some linux distros require the user to belong to the crontab (or cron) group some have a file called /etc/cron.allow some have a file called /etc/cron.disable check your distro's documentation.
  16. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    this isn't an init.d script. it's a cron script. If you need an init.d script look here: mine is to be used in a crontab, for more info see
  17. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    what did you name the script?
  18. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    i posted my cron script in antoehr spot in the forums. It not only starts rutorrent but it also checks space, if the hard drive is too close to full, it doesn't start. This is really good to use with the auto-stop function. alos it helps keep rtorrent running even in crash situations.
  19. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    I'm not sure my script works in ubuntu. I think ubuntu has a cron user group. This may be your issue. I know you don't need to call the .rtorrent.rc part. just create a new ubuntu user, put the .rtorrent.rc in thier home directory, make sure that user has cron permissions (i think it's the...
  20. S

    Rtorrent Boot with System

    This would depend on many things, first of all being which Distro. Second thing, it's ALWAYS better to make a script and use THAT in cron. For instance, here is the one i use on FreeBSD to check space and start rtorrent if it is not full: Code: #!/bin/sh...