autodl-irssi connection error 61?


May 25, 2018
used the autodl-setup script and now it

Error getting files listing: Error: Could not connect: (61) Connection refused

* Rename this file to conf.php. Make sure only your web server can read the renamed file!
* You need to edit ~/.autodl/autodl.cfg and add a few options to the [options] section
* # ...
* [options]
* gui-server-port = 12345
* gui-server-password = abcdef
* # ...
* $autodlPort and gui-server-port must have the same value.
* $autodlPassword and gui-server-password must have the same value.
* The password cannot be blank.

$autodlPort = 12345;
$autodlPassword = "abcdef";


gui-server-port = 12345
gui-server-password = abcdef

it says this in my nginx error log

2013/07/29 13:07:32 [error] 34166#0: *189280 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: socket_connect(): unable to connect [61]: Connection refused in /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/autodl-irssi/getConf.php on line 94" while reading response header from upstream, client: xxx, server: xxxx, request: "GET /rutorrent/plugins/autodl-irssi/getlines.php?cid= HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: ""
irssi says this when I start it up...
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.14 .) at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 35.
23:36 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 35.
23:36 Compilation failed in require at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 35.
23:36 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 35.
23:36 Compilation failed in require at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 35.
23:36 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 35.
23:36 Compilation failed in require at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 39.
23:36 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 39.
23:36 Compilation failed in require at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ line 76.
23:36 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/home/x/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ line 76.

I do have all the packages installed for freebsd from the wiki
p5-Archive-Zip p5-Net-SSLeay p5-HTML-Parser p5-XML-LibXML p5-Digest-SHA1 p5-JSON p5-JSON-XS p5-XML-LibXSLT
I do have php5-sockets installed and active...