Hello everyone, as you may know, I'm getting this error :
Bad response from server: (0 [error,list])
When I add a torrent thanks to the WebUi, this torrent will be launch on rtorrent but It never appears on the rutorrent WebUi.
I can see it working well via the rtGui user interface, but rutorrent just don't wan't to show it.
Here is my set up :
- Debian etch
- Lighttpd 1.4.19
- rtorrent 0.8.6 + rtgui both working fine
- folders sessions, torrents, watch are located on /root/
- .rtorrent.rc too
rutorrent is located (like rtgui) on var/www/
(folders torrents and settings are chomed 777)
the config.php file is filled with this :
and to conclude, take a look at the lighttpd config file (lighttpd.conf) :
I hope someone will get me out of this annoying issue,
I mean I just would like to use another WebUI and a better one,
rtgui doesn't allow much things ...
Bad response from server: (0 [error,list])
When I add a torrent thanks to the WebUi, this torrent will be launch on rtorrent but It never appears on the rutorrent WebUi.
I can see it working well via the rtGui user interface, but rutorrent just don't wan't to show it.
Here is my set up :
- Debian etch
- Lighttpd 1.4.19
- rtorrent 0.8.6 + rtgui both working fine
- folders sessions, torrents, watch are located on /root/
- .rtorrent.rc too
directory = /root/torrents
scgi_local = /root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket
schedule = chmod,0,0,"execute=chmod,777,/root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket"
encoding_list = UTF-8
port_range = 55990-56000
port_random = no
use_udp_trackers = no
dht = disable
check_hash = no
peer_exchange = no
encryption = allow_incoming,enable_retry,try_outgoing
schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=/root/watch/*.torrent
session = /root/session/
max_memory_usage = 199435456
scgi_local = /root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket
schedule = chmod,0,0,"execute=chmod,777,/root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket"
encoding_list = UTF-8
port_range = 55990-56000
port_random = no
use_udp_trackers = no
dht = disable
check_hash = no
peer_exchange = no
encryption = allow_incoming,enable_retry,try_outgoing
schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=/root/watch/*.torrent
session = /root/session/
max_memory_usage = 199435456
rutorrent is located (like rtgui) on var/www/
(folders torrents and settings are chomed 777)
the config.php file is filled with this :
// configuration parameters
// for snoopy client
@define('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pl; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0', true);
@define('HTTP_TIME_OUT', 30, true); // in seconds
@define('HTTP_USE_GZIP', true, true);
@define('RPC_TIME_OUT', 5, true); // in seconds
@define('LOG_RPC_CALLS', false, true);
@define('LOG_RPC_FAULTS', true, true);
// for php
@define('PHP_USE_GZIP', false, true);
@define('PHP_GZIP_LEVEL', 2, true);
$do_diagnostic = true;
$log_file = '/tmp/errors.log'; // path to log file (comment or make empty to disable logging)
$saveUploadedTorrents = true;
$topDirectory = '/'; // Upper available directory. Absolute path with trail slash.
$forbidUserSettings = false;
$scgi_port = 0;
$scgi_host = "unix:///root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket";
$XMLRPCMountPoint = "http://localhost/RPC2"; // DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!!! DO NOT COMMENT THIS LINE!!!
$pathToExternals = array(
"php" => '/usr/bin/php', // Something like /usr/bin/php. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"curl" => '/usr/bin/curl', // Something like /usr/bin/curl. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"gzip" => '', // Something like /usr/bin/gzip. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"id" => '', // Something like /usr/bin/id. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"stat" => '', // Something like /usr/bin/stat. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
// For web->rtorrent link through unix domain socket
// (scgi_local in rtorrent conf file), change variables
// above to something like this:
// $scgi_port = 0;
// $scgi_host = "unix:///tmp/rpc.socket";
// configuration parameters
// for snoopy client
@define('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pl; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0', true);
@define('HTTP_TIME_OUT', 30, true); // in seconds
@define('HTTP_USE_GZIP', true, true);
@define('RPC_TIME_OUT', 5, true); // in seconds
@define('LOG_RPC_CALLS', false, true);
@define('LOG_RPC_FAULTS', true, true);
// for php
@define('PHP_USE_GZIP', false, true);
@define('PHP_GZIP_LEVEL', 2, true);
$do_diagnostic = true;
$log_file = '/tmp/errors.log'; // path to log file (comment or make empty to disable logging)
$saveUploadedTorrents = true;
$topDirectory = '/'; // Upper available directory. Absolute path with trail slash.
$forbidUserSettings = false;
$scgi_port = 0;
$scgi_host = "unix:///root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket";
$XMLRPCMountPoint = "http://localhost/RPC2"; // DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!!! DO NOT COMMENT THIS LINE!!!
$pathToExternals = array(
"php" => '/usr/bin/php', // Something like /usr/bin/php. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"curl" => '/usr/bin/curl', // Something like /usr/bin/curl. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"gzip" => '', // Something like /usr/bin/gzip. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"id" => '', // Something like /usr/bin/id. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
"stat" => '', // Something like /usr/bin/stat. If empty, will be founded in PATH.
// For web->rtorrent link through unix domain socket
// (scgi_local in rtorrent conf file), change variables
// above to something like this:
// $scgi_port = 0;
// $scgi_host = "unix:///tmp/rpc.socket";
and to conclude, take a look at the lighttpd config file (lighttpd.conf) :
# Debian lighttpd configuration file
############ Options you really have to take care of ####################
## modules to load
# mod_access, mod_accesslog and mod_alias are loaded by default
# all other module should only be loaded if neccesary
# - saves some time
# - saves memory
server.modules = (
# "mod_rewrite",
# "mod_redirect",
# "mod_evhost",
# "mod_usertrack",
# "mod_rrdtool",
# "mod_webdav",
# "mod_expire",
# "mod_flv_streaming",
# "mod_evasive"
scgi.server = (
"/RPC2" =>
( "" =>
("check-local" => "disable",
"socket" => "/root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket", #Uncomment this if using scgi_local
"disable-time" => 0)))
############ Options you really have to take care of ####################
## modules to load
# mod_access, mod_accesslog and mod_alias are loaded by default
# all other module should only be loaded if neccesary
# - saves some time
# - saves memory
server.modules = (
# "mod_rewrite",
# "mod_redirect",
# "mod_evhost",
# "mod_usertrack",
# "mod_rrdtool",
# "mod_webdav",
# "mod_expire",
# "mod_flv_streaming",
# "mod_evasive"
scgi.server = (
"/RPC2" =>
( "" =>
("check-local" => "disable",
"socket" => "/root/.rtorrent/rpc.socket", #Uncomment this if using scgi_local
"disable-time" => 0)))
I hope someone will get me out of this annoying issue,
I mean I just would like to use another WebUI and a better one,
rtgui doesn't allow much things ...