I have just finished installing rTorrent and ruTorrent on CentOS 5.8 running Plesk Panel as control panel. however when i access ruTorrent I get:
No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.
some info about the server/installation:
due to being under Plesk the home/USERNAME doesn't exist, instead i have /var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAME.NET/httpdocs
now under /var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAME.NET i have .rtorrent.rc and the rtorrent folder containing downloads, .session etc..
and under /var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAME.NET/httpdocs I have ruTorrent folder.
Please let me know if you need any more info in trying to help me resolve this mystery.
thank you for your help!
I'm not sure if rTorrent itself is working
.rtorrent.rc file:
#This s is an example resource file for rTorrent. Copy to
# ~/.rtorrent.rc and enable/modify the options as needed. Remember to
# uncomment the options you wish to enable.
# Global
max_downloads_global = 10
max_uploads_global = 100
# Maximum and minimum number of peers to connect to per torrent.
min_peers = 20
max_peers = 200
# Same as above but for seeding completed torrents (-1 = same as
min_peers_seed = 20
max_peers_seed = 250
# Maximum number of simultanious uploads per torrent.
max_uploads = 20
# Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited.
download_rate = 0
upload_rate = 0
# Default directory to save the downloaded torrents.
directory = /var/www/vhosts/domainname.net/rtorrent/downloads
# Default session directory. Make sure you don't run multiple instance
# of rtorrent using the same session directory. Perhaps using a
# relative path?
session = /var/www/vhosts/domainname.net/rtorrent/.session
# Watch a directory for new torrents, and stop those that have been
# deleted.
schedule =
#schedule = untied_directory,5,5,stop_untied=
# Close torrents when diskspace is low.
#schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=500M
# Stop torrents when reaching upload ratio in percent,
# when also reaching total upload in bytes, or when
# reaching final upload ratio in percent.
# example: stop at ratio 2.0 with at least 200 MB uploaded, or else
ratio 20.0
#schedule = ratio,60,60,stop_on_ratio=200,200M,2000
# The ip address reported to the tracker.
#ip =
#ip = rakshasa.no
# The ip address the listening socket and outgoing connections is
# bound to.
#bind =
#bind = rakshasa.no
# Port range to use for listening.
port_range = 64420-64420
scgi_port =
# Start opening ports at a random position within the port range.
port_random = no
# Check hash for finished torrents. Might be usefull until the bug is
# fixed that causes lack of diskspace not to be properly reported.
check_hash = no
# Set whetever the client should try to connect to UDP trackers.
use_udp_trackers = no
# Alternative calls to bind and ip that should handle dynamic ip's.
#schedule = ip_tick,0,1800,ip=rakshasa
#schedule = bind_tick,0,1800,bind=rakshasa
# Encryption options, set to none (default) or any combination of the
# allow_incoming, try_outgoing, require, require_RC4, enable_retry,
# The example value allows incoming encrypted connections, starts
# outgoing connections but retries with encryption if they fail,
# plaintext to RC4 encryption after the encrypted handshake
encryption = allow_incoming,enable_retry,prefer_plaintext
# encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing
# Do not modify the following parameters unless you know what you're
# Hash read-ahead controls how many MB to request the kernel to read
# ahead. If the value is too low the disk may not be fully utilized,
# while if too high the kernel might not be able to keep the read
# pages in memory thus end up trashing.
hash_read_ahead = 64
# Interval between attempts to check the hash, in milliseconds.
hash_interval = 100
# Number of attempts to check the hash while using the mincore status,
# before forcing. Overworked systems might need lower values to get a
# decent hash checking rate.
hash_max_tries = 2
# Max number of files to keep open simultaniously.
max_open_files = 256
# Number of sockets to simultaneously keep open.
#max_open_sockets = <no default>
max_open_http = 4
# Example of scheduling commands: Switch between two ip's every 5
# seconds.
#schedule = "ip_tick1,5,10,ip=torretta"
#schedule = "ip_tick2,10,10,ip=lampedusa"
# Remove a scheduled event.
#schedule_remove = "ip_tick1"
dht = disable
peer_exchange = no
preload_type = 1
max_memory_usage = 2048M
I also edited the conf.d file and addess the scgi port to it at the end
thanks again!
I have just finished installing rTorrent and ruTorrent on CentOS 5.8 running Plesk Panel as control panel. however when i access ruTorrent I get:
No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.
some info about the server/installation:
due to being under Plesk the home/USERNAME doesn't exist, instead i have /var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAME.NET/httpdocs
now under /var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAME.NET i have .rtorrent.rc and the rtorrent folder containing downloads, .session etc..
and under /var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAME.NET/httpdocs I have ruTorrent folder.
Please let me know if you need any more info in trying to help me resolve this mystery.
thank you for your help!
I'm not sure if rTorrent itself is working
.rtorrent.rc file:
#This s is an example resource file for rTorrent. Copy to
# ~/.rtorrent.rc and enable/modify the options as needed. Remember to
# uncomment the options you wish to enable.
# Global
max_downloads_global = 10
max_uploads_global = 100
# Maximum and minimum number of peers to connect to per torrent.
min_peers = 20
max_peers = 200
# Same as above but for seeding completed torrents (-1 = same as
min_peers_seed = 20
max_peers_seed = 250
# Maximum number of simultanious uploads per torrent.
max_uploads = 20
# Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited.
download_rate = 0
upload_rate = 0
# Default directory to save the downloaded torrents.
directory = /var/www/vhosts/domainname.net/rtorrent/downloads
# Default session directory. Make sure you don't run multiple instance
# of rtorrent using the same session directory. Perhaps using a
# relative path?
session = /var/www/vhosts/domainname.net/rtorrent/.session
# Watch a directory for new torrents, and stop those that have been
# deleted.
schedule =
#schedule = untied_directory,5,5,stop_untied=
# Close torrents when diskspace is low.
#schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=500M
# Stop torrents when reaching upload ratio in percent,
# when also reaching total upload in bytes, or when
# reaching final upload ratio in percent.
# example: stop at ratio 2.0 with at least 200 MB uploaded, or else
ratio 20.0
#schedule = ratio,60,60,stop_on_ratio=200,200M,2000
# The ip address reported to the tracker.
#ip =
#ip = rakshasa.no
# The ip address the listening socket and outgoing connections is
# bound to.
#bind =
#bind = rakshasa.no
# Port range to use for listening.
port_range = 64420-64420
scgi_port =
# Start opening ports at a random position within the port range.
port_random = no
# Check hash for finished torrents. Might be usefull until the bug is
# fixed that causes lack of diskspace not to be properly reported.
check_hash = no
# Set whetever the client should try to connect to UDP trackers.
use_udp_trackers = no
# Alternative calls to bind and ip that should handle dynamic ip's.
#schedule = ip_tick,0,1800,ip=rakshasa
#schedule = bind_tick,0,1800,bind=rakshasa
# Encryption options, set to none (default) or any combination of the
# allow_incoming, try_outgoing, require, require_RC4, enable_retry,
# The example value allows incoming encrypted connections, starts
# outgoing connections but retries with encryption if they fail,
# plaintext to RC4 encryption after the encrypted handshake
encryption = allow_incoming,enable_retry,prefer_plaintext
# encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing
# Do not modify the following parameters unless you know what you're
# Hash read-ahead controls how many MB to request the kernel to read
# ahead. If the value is too low the disk may not be fully utilized,
# while if too high the kernel might not be able to keep the read
# pages in memory thus end up trashing.
hash_read_ahead = 64
# Interval between attempts to check the hash, in milliseconds.
hash_interval = 100
# Number of attempts to check the hash while using the mincore status,
# before forcing. Overworked systems might need lower values to get a
# decent hash checking rate.
hash_max_tries = 2
# Max number of files to keep open simultaniously.
max_open_files = 256
# Number of sockets to simultaneously keep open.
#max_open_sockets = <no default>
max_open_http = 4
# Example of scheduling commands: Switch between two ip's every 5
# seconds.
#schedule = "ip_tick1,5,10,ip=torretta"
#schedule = "ip_tick2,10,10,ip=lampedusa"
# Remove a scheduled event.
#schedule_remove = "ip_tick1"
dht = disable
peer_exchange = no
preload_type = 1
max_memory_usage = 2048M
I also edited the conf.d file and addess the scgi port to it at the end
thanks again!
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