Episode/File Renamer


May 25, 2018
Wonslung (or anyone else that may have come across this),

Let's see if you have this trick up your sleeve. wink.gif

Let me preface my question with my previous torrent setup before I got my NAS with rutorrent/rtorrent installed on it..
I came from a Win7 box thats only job in life is to download torrents using uTorrent. I then had EventGhost (an app that was a glorified directory watcher) that would do 1 very important thing, it would fire up an app called "The Renamer" that compared the resulting video filename to a database of tv show names and would then rename it with to tvshowname - sXXeXX - episodename; it would also create the tv show folder in a specified location and would move the renamed file to that tv show folder name. It had its flaws, but it did that subset of tasks pretty darn well.

Fast forward to now. I'm using a Synology ds209 that is pretty solid for a NAS. I happened up on rtorrent + rutorrent running on top of lighttpd and I have to say, the overall WebUI and torrent functionality is 95% identical to uTorrent! I've got RSS feeds doing their thing, I've got the unpack plugin unrar'ing releases to a specific folder, however I'm missing that file renamer component that i had in my Win7 setup (and have it move the file to a (potentially automatically created) tv shows folder).

Is there anything (ruTorrent plugin or unix application) that you'd recommend for accomplishing this?

Thank you so much for all the help you and everyone else on this forum are providing for this awesome WebUI to rtorrent.

EDIT: LOL, and again, I should haven't read through the forum a bit more before posting (it's late and I'm tired!).. Wonslung has posted something for at least having the downloaded torrents moved to the correct location based on various conditions (http://forums.rutorrent.org/index.php?topic=57.0); HOWEVER, I still don't see a way (within ruTorrent at least) to have downloaded and unpacked files renamed a certain way -- i use this specifically so that Plex (the app I use for my HTPC) can then scrape the file for metadata.

Any suggestions on that piece of the puzzle?


May 25, 2018
currently i know of no unix application that does this. I personally have my stuff set up in such a way that media is scraped by folder name and NOT by file name so i just make sure my folders are named correctly.

(for instance, i have something like Highres.Television/Lost/Season01 )

There might be applications out there that can rename files...i remember awhile back running across one written in java but it's justnot something i need.

I run rutorrent on a few seedboxes and one one local server.....i have everything scripted to put files in the proper place and it all scrapes properly due to this.


May 25, 2018

Ok, if you don't mind my asking, what are you using for scraping the media to get the metadata? Is this part of the htpc or other media viewing application that you use?

Thanks again for the contributions to this forum. I've learned a great deal already.


May 25, 2018
I have 2 media servers and several xbmc htpc's on my network. The htpc's are mostly ion based.

I have my media arrange where i have one filesystem for movies, one for hd movies, one for television and one for hd television

then movies and hd movies have a folder for each movie named with the movie name and the year it came out

If you do this correctly xbmc will scrape everything 90% correctly

you can also "pre-scrape" stuff with programs like Ember Media Manager orr Media Info Plus

I tend to use this for my movies and recently i've been using them for tv as well, though tv is really not as important because tv shows tend to scrape better if you name them correctly

my tv shows are arranged with a folder for each series (and the year it came out if it's a series with a name that's been used before (example, Battlestar Galactica (2003) )
then each season gets its own folder

The prescraping programs are pretty nice....ember media manager currently only works in windows so i have to run it via a virtualbox vm..I think it might eventually work with mono (or maybe it does now)

it was originally designed for movies only, so some of the features are lagging behind for tv shows...but it's being updates fast

one of the coolest things it does for movies is, you can set it to update your library whenever you make a change....it's really nice because if you set everyting up in folders, it will save the scraped info in that folder. This allows for xbmc to just pull the info directly from your own files It's quite nice.


I forgot to mention, i don't run Ember media manager on the machine which has the media, It's on a ZFS filesystem shared via CIFS and NFS so it's quite simple to make a mapped drive in windows for this. After that, you can use it like any other hard drive.

It's also really cool that i have automatic snapshots and can browse the snapshots as "previous versions"


May 24, 2018
I'm currently writing a python app which can watch a directory for tv show and movie files or directories and rename and move them as necessary. It can also scrape any necessary info from thetvdb.com and themoviedb.com. This is cross-platform as it's just plain python. Maybe it would be worth me working on the autotools plugin (or else creating a new plugin) to do this directly via rutorrent though?


May 25, 2018
I'm currently writing a python app which can watch a directory for tv show and movie files or directories and rename and move them as necessary. It can also scrape any necessary info from thetvdb.com and themoviedb.com. This is cross-platform as it's just plain python. Maybe it would be worth me working on the autotools plugin (or else creating a new plugin) to do this directly via rutorrent though?
1) Send to me (novik65[at]gmail.com) your google account's name, i give to you access to svn for updating.
2) Plugin 'autotools' is not mine. Ask from it's author (dmrom00[at]gmail.com) about that.


May 25, 2018
There are some "tools/scripts" that do this for usenet downloads (after the download is done)

TVshows : Sickbeard

Movies : Couchpotato

So I guess these apps can also work affter you have downloaded something to your pc (after unpack)


May 25, 2018
rascalli, i was using sickbeard along with sabnzbd+ but am really looking forward to something like what Mindzai was saying he was starting on specifically to be used with ruTorrent.

i'll give the proverbial "i'd love to test your python script when you get to that point, Mindzai". smiley.gif

thanks to all of you for your responses. cheesy.gif