It's just that the nginx and the php you used are already out of date. Managing that stuff by hand isn't worth it. That's what pacman is there for anyway.
So to do this without having to compile something yourself and configure so much.
pacman -S apache php-apache screen
then from the AUR (I use yaourt) install rtorrent:
yaourt -S rutorrent rutorrent-plugins
then you can grab the generic .rtorrent.rc
wget -O .rtorrent.rc
and edit the ~/.rtorrent.rc and add
then edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add
LoadModule php5_module modules/
Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf
and edit /etc/php/php.ini and uncomment
you can also insert your timezone, while you're editing php.ini
then edit /srv/http/rutorrent/conf/plugins.ini and add this to the end
after that it should be working.
So you can make a user and copy your .rtorrent.rc into that users directory. Then use the guide here: to make rtorrent a daemon with screen.
Basically it's: su user -c 'screen -d -m -S rtorrent rtorrent'
You will also need to make sure the http user owns the rutorrent directory
chown -R http:http /srv/http/rutorrent
Then once that's all set up you can start apache with:
/etc/rc.d/httpd start
then browse to the ip of your server http://x.x.x.x/rutorrent
and it should be a working install of rutorrent.
So to do this without having to compile something yourself and configure so much.
pacman -S apache php-apache screen
then from the AUR (I use yaourt) install rtorrent:
yaourt -S rutorrent rutorrent-plugins
then you can grab the generic .rtorrent.rc
wget -O .rtorrent.rc
and edit the ~/.rtorrent.rc and add
then edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add
LoadModule php5_module modules/
Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf
and edit /etc/php/php.ini and uncomment
you can also insert your timezone, while you're editing php.ini
then edit /srv/http/rutorrent/conf/plugins.ini and add this to the end
after that it should be working.
So you can make a user and copy your .rtorrent.rc into that users directory. Then use the guide here: to make rtorrent a daemon with screen.
Basically it's: su user -c 'screen -d -m -S rtorrent rtorrent'
You will also need to make sure the http user owns the rutorrent directory
chown -R http:http /srv/http/rutorrent
Then once that's all set up you can start apache with:
/etc/rc.d/httpd start
then browse to the ip of your server http://x.x.x.x/rutorrent
and it should be a working install of rutorrent.