No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and..


May 25, 2018
OK, another dreaded error thread:

No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.

Running 0.9.3

I keep getting a lock file, I delete it, check again and another one is there. So far I have deleted it 7 times. Does the +xxxx number on the end of the lockline in the file mean anything?

When I ssh the command rtorrent I see some activity with files for about 5 seconds everytime I run that command but then it crashes:

try #1
Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x7f3192f10000
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
xxxx@nsxxxx:~$ rtorrent
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
rtorrent() [0x413775]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f396cc0bcb0]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f396b59548b]

Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x7f3952691000
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
xxxx@nsxxxx:~$ rtorrent
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
rtorrent() [0x413775]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2444ccfcb0]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f244365948b]


It can't be a disk full error as there is 2 2TB hardrives and there is still 2TB of empty space, unless it's not seeing a drive? I could see space available in the general tab before it stopped working which was getting closer to 2TB everyday.

I obviously still have ssh access, I also have ftp access. Also apparently according to my trackers my seeds are still all seeding too.

I checked my rtorrent.rc file:

execute = {sh,-c,rm -f /home/username/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket}
scgi_local = /home/username/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket
execute = {sh,-c,chmod 0666 /home/username/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket}
encoding_list = UTF-8
system.umask.set = 022
port_range = 23877-23877
port_random = no
check_hash = no
directory = /home/username/downloads
session = /home/username/rtorrent/session
encryption = allow_incoming, try_outgoing, enable_retry
schedule = watch_directory,1,1,"load_start=/home/username/rtorrent/watch/*.torrent"
#schedule = untied_directory,5,5,"stop_untied=/home/username/rtorrent/watch/*.torrent"
trackers.enable = 1
#min_peers = 40
#max_peers = 100
#min_peers_seed = 10
#max_peers_seed = 50
#max_uploads = 15
#download_rate = 0
#upload_rate = 0
use_udp_trackers = yes
dht = auto
dht_port = 6881
peer_exchange = yes
#hash_read_ahead = 10
#hash_interval = 100
#hash_max_tries = 10
execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php /var/rutorrent/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php username &}

also noticed that rpc.socket file is 0 bytes if that is important.
This was running fine for over 10 days, my irrsi files were up to 1800 files, I deleted about 400 two days ago, deleted another 400 yesterday, and it was slowly going up and at last count it was only around 1350 torrents with 2TB of empty space still.

If I missed anything else you need to know to help me with this crazy problem of mine please ask. smiley.gif


May 25, 2018
hi i just had the same error in my rutorrent and couldnt get it running again. in the end i had to run the autodl-irssi setup script but it kept getting so far and then it would say 'ERROR the repository has been moved permanently' so i had to edit the script to get it to run all the way through and it worked a treat for me. i have also updated the autodl-setup script to use the latest v1.41 instead of the v1.31 that it was using before. this script can install rutorrent and all the dependencies needed for it to run properly as well as autodl-irssi plugin for rutorrent. use FTP to place this file in

directory = /home/username/

then use SSH [i use putty as its free] to run the script by typing

sudo sh autodl-setup
just select the choices you want to install and let it do the rest for you matey

PS: i had to zip the file as it exceeded the max file size allowed for attachments

hope this helps...


May 25, 2018
Hi myject0r, thanks for replying. smiley.gif

OK, I moved the file into my seedbox user name and then tried to ssh it, it errored on me cause the seedbox user wasnt sudo and said it was reporting me. lol.
No problem, I tried to move it into the main sudo user file and it refused to ftp move, no problem, I deleted it and tried to ftp it over to the sudo user file and ftp kept erroring on me, no problem, I put it in dropbox and ran wget to get the file. Success. smiley.gif Ran the file, with just autodl-irssi installing, had to tell it where rutorrent was installed var/rutorrent/rutorrent, moved through the script, deleted the lock file...... again......... rebooted the server......... deleted the lock file AGAIN! Started google chrome.... still have the same error but have this one now too:
Error downloading files. Make sure autodl-irssi is started and configured properly (eg. password, port number): Error getting files listing: Error: Could not connect: (111) Connection refused.

I wonder if a whole new install of my script would fix it?

EDIT1: Reran my original script, got rid of the new error but not the first..... don't know why but I am now deleting another 300 files through ftp to see if it will boot properly. I cant possibly imagine this fixing it when I still had 2TB of space left. sad.gif

EDIT2: After deleting 300 files and rebooting the server it just keeps adding a lock file. I delete it, reboot and it just keeps adding it back. sad.gif I even tried reboot, login, nothing. I tried reboot, delete lock file, login, nothing.


May 25, 2018
ive hear a few people mention 'delete lock file' but its not something ive ever had to do so not sure there matey...

SSH into the server and run

killall irssi; screen -dmS autodl irssi

Start irssi with the command


ive been playing with the autodl-setup script that i added to my first post and ive managed to completely updated my seedbox from:

rtorrent 0.8.9 to rtorrent 0.9.3

libtorrent-0.12.9 to libtorrent-0.13.3

autodl-irssi 1.31 to autodl-irssi 1.43

i was suffering from both the errors that you have mentioned above and now im running smoothly so ill attach the updated script to this post so if you download it and unzip it then do the dropbox/wget in ssh to put it on your seedbox and just run it with the;

sudo sh autodl-setup


May 25, 2018
sweet myjector, I ran this new file in its entirety and it works............ no errors smiley.gif

Thanks smiley.gif

EDIT: just a quick note, I ran this script on a new 500GB server I got today and it errored out saying it couldnt install irrsi? I guess it worked on my repair cause it already had irssi installed maybe?


May 25, 2018
i dont think that all seedbox providers allow you to have irssi installed matey and the script i edited and posted on this site doesnt install irssi, only the autodl-irssi plugin for rtorrent/rutorrent.

i dont think it will be very hard to install irssi though matey, just google it me thinks like n av a read of a few sites that say how its done...


May 25, 2018
Quote :
i dont think that all seedbox providers allow you to have irssi installed matey and the script i edited and posted on this site doesnt install irssi, only the autodl-irssi plugin for rtorrent/rutorrent.

If you're going to edit. upload and recommend people to run scripts on their servers you should at least have a grasp of what you're posting.
Check any of the osHandler_ functions.