Optimize .rtorrent.rc for 1000/100Mbit


May 25, 2018
Hello & merry christmas fellow rutorrent users.

My landlord recently finished installing LAN in my apartment and I now have access to whopping Gigabit download and 100Mbit upload.

Now I seem to have some issues with utilizing all the bandwidth in rtorrent. My torrent data is both downloaded to and stored on a local software(mdadm) RAID10 array based on 4 disks.

This is how my conf is looking atm.
Any comments on how to tune it better is welcome.

# Point to a directory where rTorrent will save the torrent files.
session = /rtorrent/.session/
# Port range to use for listening.
port_range = 10031-10031
port_random = no
# Default directory to save downloaded files. Note it doesn't support space yet.
directory = /rtorrent/downloading/
#Encrypt data
encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry
# Proper encodig for unknown chars
encoding_list = UTF-8
# Maximum and minimum number of peers to connect to per torrent. I guess this should get tuned better?
min_peers = 100
max_peers = 200

# Maximum number of simultaneous uploads per torrent.
#max_uploads = 2

#XMLRPC for WebIF, Set correct permissions for the socket
scgi_port = localhost:5000

# Close torrents when diskspace is low.
schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=10000M
#Kbit/s limit to save bandwidth for other usage, 1000/100Mbit.
upload_rate = 8000
download_rate = 95000
# Enable the default ratio group.

# Do not check hash when finished
check_hash = no

#The ip address reported to the tracker.
ip = my.external.dns
use_udp_trackers = no
dht = disable
peer_exchange = no
#Set the certificates to use in http requests. See Curl's CURLOPT_CAPATH and CURLOPT_CAINFO options for further information.


May 25, 2018
I've never had access to a gbit line but there are a few things that you may take into consideration.
- Not many people have a line as fast as you. You need many peers to max out a line like yours
- Routing may not be very good to all peers
- Your disk configuration may not be able to keep up with the many requests for data and slow you down, despite it being partly RAID0. You probably have good reasons to use RAID10 but it won't be the fastest option for a 4 disk setup.

You could try reducing the # of simultaneous torrents and see if your speeds improve and/or check the routing for the peers that you get.
Also, always check the seeder/leecher ratio for any torrent you download as this may tell you something about what possible speeds you may get (considering that most peers will be on home lines in general, so let's say 4-8mbit of possible throughput to them).

I am no an expert but my best guess is that .rtorrent.rc is not causing you any or much slowing down.
Let's be anal for a minute: .rtorrent.rc is not a part of rutorrent, basically you are asking for advice in the wrong place. I do hope that the info above can be of help to you smiley.gif


May 25, 2018
I've never had access to a gbit line but there are a few things that you may take into consideration.
1 - Not many people have a line as fast as you. You need many peers to max out a line like yours
2 - Routing may not be very good to all peers
3 - Your disk configuration may not be able to keep up with the many requests for data and slow you down, despite it being partly RAID0. You probably have good reasons to use RAID10 but it won't be the fastest option for a 4 disk setup.

4. You could try reducing the # of simultaneous torrents and see if your speeds improve and/or check the routing for the peers that you get.
Also, always check the seeder/leecher ratio for any torrent you download as this may tell you something about what possible speeds you may get (considering that most peers will be on home lines in general, so let's say 4-8mbit of possible throughput to them).

5. I am no an expert but my best guess is that .rtorrent.rc is not causing you any or much slowing down.
6. Let's be anal for a minute: .rtorrent.rc is not a part of rutorrent, basically you are asking for advice in the wrong place. I do hope that the info above can be of help to you smiley.gif

1. Sweden rates pretty high when it comes to bandwidth quality and also this is where the beauty of torrents come handy as you connect to many different peers. I see alot of Swedish flags in rutorrent! wink.gif
2. See 1.
3. Could you please explain your statement in more detail? My results have been better on a RAID10 compared to 5, what are you suggesting exactly?
4. Why would that help? As I see it, the more possible peers I can connect to, the more I would spread the total bandwidth usage.
5. There is a reason I named the subject "Optimize rtorrent.rc" and posted my conf so people with similar setups could come with advice. For example people using gbit seedboxes or lines. I'm gonna try to modify the min / max peers and see what comes out.
6. I know that this is not the mainforum for rtorrent but seeing as people use rtorrent together with rutorrent people reading this forum should have experience on how to set it up right?



May 24, 2018
with speeds that high you're better off optimizing the kernel itself.

Look at send/recieve buffers and ACKS

once you optimize the kernel for Gb/s you can tweak rtorrent's sockets and max files.