There you go assuming things again.
I've understood everything you've said.
Unfortunately, the plug-in won't provide what I need - no matter how you look at it. It would appear that you're the only one who can't see this, as Saxfusion has already confirmed my suspicion.
So - yes, I understand the points you're making. Unfortunately you just can't see the other end of the story, and it's hindering your ability to provide a solution. But, be my guest. Let's see if you can provide a solution with the current plug-in to provide the needs I have, and prove me wrong.
And - I have the system running now. Have done for a day, and it does exactly what I feared.
So instead of arguing the point, if you think there's a solution - provide it. Please.
And - there's no need to start blaming a person's language skills on your inability to see what's in front of you. I'll say it again, that's an extremely immature way of looking at things. I'm not entirely sure how the fact that you've added the majority of tickets to the issues register makes you all important. It certainly indicates that you're an active member in the community - which is great. But from your posting's all over the site, I'd hazard a guess that this has perhaps swelled your head a little. Don't let this happen - it can only lead to disruption among other things.
But I digress.
Let's work on this supposed solution using the current plug-in.
i can point out 3 things you totally misunderstood. Why don't you take a deep breath and go re-read the entire thread, i'm sure you can find the 3 things you got wrong without me having to point them out.
And there you go again putting words in my mouth, i'm not trying to argue with you, i'm trying to help you. If you'd stop being so confrontational and listen for a moment we might be able to get to something that helps you.
The reason i'm "posting all over the site" is because these are my forums. I run them. I do my best to help people when they need it. As far as me having a swelled head, that just isn't the case at all. I don't need to justify my position in the community so I'm just going to let this go. Suffice to say, you should take a moment and re-read this thread.
and as far as the plugin providing what you need, you're just wrong. I've set it up for people in your EXACT situation before and it works perfectly IF you set it up correctly.
Is it as EASY as what you're used to? no
Is it as good as what you're asking for? probably not?
Is it possible to filter the way you need to prevent downloading bits you don't want? absolutely.
But this is 100% beside the point. The entire point i was making from the getgo was, even if you CANT get the plugin working the way you want (which, if you took to time to try you might be surprised, instead you want to waste your time insulting me) you should be able to find a solution using a watch directory.
Your problem is that you are stubborn. Also, you read into things and invent stuff that hasn't been said, or just plain get something backwards.
Let's try this again, this time without your insults.
Regex is a powerful thing, if you can't get it working then you just don't understand regex. It's THAT simple.
i'd be more than willing to help you with your regex.
Also, you're going about this all wrong. You should try using the software first, then perhaps open a ticket with the function you'd like if it doesn't do what you least TRY to make it work.
I'm telling you, it WILL work for what you need, it might not be exactly the same as what you're used to but you should have no problem getting it most of the way there.
Or just use a watch dir...or dont' use it at all, but don't come here, ask for help, then get all upset when someone corrects you on your mistakes.