I do all by the manual steps and have an problem - rutorrent just don't loading, I see only loading gif. May be the problem with ssl (I use https). No errors in apache logs, rutorrent and rtorrent log - just nothing nowhere.
My configuration is Ubuntu 14.04.4, x64, Apache/2.4.18, PHP 5.6.18.
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<------><VirtualHost _default_:443>
AssignUserID www-data www-data
php_admin_flag safe_mode on
php_admin_flag safe_mode_gid on
php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www/site.ru:/tmp:/dev/urandom:/disk/torrent
<------><------>SSLEngine on
<------><------>SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
<------><------>SSLCipherSuite ALL:!DH:!EXPORT:!RC4:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL
<------><------><Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>
<------><------><------><------>SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
<------><------><------><------>Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
<------><------><------><------>AllowOverride All
<------><Directory /var/www/site.ru/torrent>
<------> AllowOverride AuthConfig
<------><------>Order allow,deny
<------> allow from all
<Location /RPC2>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<------>AuthName "p2p torrents"
<------>AuthType Basic
<------>AuthBasicProvider file
<------>AuthUserFile /var/www/site.ru/torrent/.htpasswd
<------>Require valid-user
<------>SCGIMount /RPC2
port_range = 32001-32049
dht = auto
dht_port = 32000
peer_exchange = yes
use_udp_trackers = yes
directory = /disk/torrent
upload_rate = 0
download_rate = 0
session = /disk/torrent
scgi_local =
<------>// configuration parameters
<------>// for snoopy client
<------>@define('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0', true);
<------>@define('HTTP_TIME_OUT', 30, true);<--->// in seconds
<------>@define('HTTP_USE_GZIP', true, true);
<------>$httpIP = null;><------><------><------>// IP string. Or null for any.
<------>@define('RPC_TIME_OUT', 5, true);<----->// in seconds
<------>@define('LOG_RPC_CALLS', false, true);
<------>@define('LOG_RPC_FAULTS', true, true);
<------>// for php<---->
<------>@define('PHP_USE_GZIP', false, true);
<------>@define('PHP_GZIP_LEVEL', 2, true);
<------>$schedule_rand = 10;<--><------><------>// rand for schedulers start, +0..X seconds
<------>$do_diagnostic = true;
<------>$log_file = '/tmp/rutorrent_errors.log';<------><------>// path to log file (comment or leave blank to disable logging)
<------>$saveUploadedTorrents = false;<><------>// Save uploaded torrents to profile/torrents directory or not
<------>$overwriteUploadedTorrents = false; // Overwrite existing uploaded torrents in profile/torrents directory or make unique name
<------>$topDirectory = '/disk/torrent/';<-----><------><------>// Upper available directory. Absolute path with trail slash.
<------>$forbidUserSettings = false;
<------>$scgi_port = 5000;
<------>$scgi_host = "";
<------>// For web->rtorrent link through unix domain socket.
<------>// (scgi_local in rtorrent conf file), change variables.
<------>// above to something like this:
<------>// $scgi_port = 0;
<------>// $scgi_host = "unix:///tmp/rpc.socket";
<------>$XMLRPCMountPoint = "/RPC2";<--><------>// DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!!! DO NOT COMMENT THIS LINE!!!
<------>$pathToExternals = array(
<------><------>"php" <>=> '',<><------><------>// Something like /usr/bin/php. If empty, will be found in PATH.
<------><------>"curl"<>=> '',<><------><------>// Something like /usr/bin/curl. If empty, will be found in PATH.
<------><------>"gzip"<>=> '',<><------><------>// Something like /usr/bin/gzip. If empty, will be found in PATH.
<------><------>"id"<-->=> '',<><------><------>// Something like /usr/bin/id. If empty, will be found in PATH.
<------><------>"stat"<>=> '',<><------><------>// Something like /usr/bin/stat. If empty, will be found in PATH.
<------>$localhosts = array( <-><------><------>// list of local interfaces
<------>$profilePath = '../share';<----><------>// Path to user profiles
<------>$profileMask = 0777;<--><------><------>// Mask for files and directory creation in user profiles.
<------><------><------><------><------><------>// Both Webserver and rtorrent users must have read-write access to it.
<------><------><------><------><------><------>// For example, if Webserver and rtorrent users are in the same group then the value may be 0770.
<------>$tempDirectory = '/tmp/';<-----><------><------>// Temp directory. Absolute path with trail slash. If null, then autodetect will be used.
<------>$canUseXSendFile = false;<-----><------>// If true then tse X-Sendfile feature if it exist
<------>$locale = "UTF8";plugins.ini
enabled = user-defined
canChangeToolbar = yes
canChangeMenu = yes
canChangeOptions = yes
canChangeTabs = yes
canChangeColumns = yes
canChangeStatusBar = yes
canChangeCategory = yes
canBeShutdowned = yes
enabled = yes
enabled = no