hello there i installed rtorrent/rutorrent on my machine according to this guide but when entering webui i get the following error http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/5272/rutorrent.png...could someone give me a hand to solve this? thanks in advance...
thanks for the reply...the thing is i had to rebuild php5 because i uninstalled apache 13 and installed apache22 and php module could not be loaded because it wasn't created under apache22 conf...i'd like to make one more question...does anybody use a firefox addon that successfully works with rtorrent/rutorrent? i tried to use rtorrent-manager but though i can load the torrent file successfully it doesn't start automatically download...i have to manually start the download from rutorrent webui...tnx in advance...
edit: never mind the last question...already found the appropriate thread...thanks again for your help...
one last question i hope...i managed to run rtorrent with 2 scgi mounts pointing to 2 different users...the thing is that when i logon to rutorrent webui with either user i can see what the other is downloading...how could i make it so that every user could only see his own downloads and not from the other user?
doing so each user will have to run its own rtorrent instance? or is it going to be just one rtorrent instance where 2 users will be able to authenticate each one on his own in the same rtorrent instance?
edit: because if the 2 users have different scgi_ports then i get the feeling that there must be 2 different rtorrent instances each one run by the credentials from its own user...whereas i think that if they have the same scgi_port but different rpc_mounts then they can use the same rtorrent instance and only use rutorrent to authenticate and download each one in its own download location...
No way. Try to think about such thing: one rtorrent instance can't have two or more .torrent files with some hash. As result - user can't add .torrent, if it already was added by another user. And, in your case, can't see it at all.
there is nothing wrong wiht using 2 rtorrent instances..
IT constantly makes me scratch my head when you see people come over from the torrentflux side of things and they are the ones who get upset whne you need to use one rtorrent instance per user.
rtorrent is very lightweight. I've run a single user on a pentium 2 with 64 gb ram before