the fact of the matter is you simply do not have torrents which have enough clients AT ONE TIME.
trust me, it's working EXACTLY like it's supposed to. I see this a lot...people tend to grossly misjudge how much they should be seeding. You need to understand how torrents WORK.
the best way to think of the relationship between a tracker, seeders and peers is with this analogy.
Imagine you have a round table with 40 people sitting at it. All of you would like to have a copy of some book. Everyone at the table can read and write at a specific set speed. 1 guy has an entire copy of the book and there is a guy sitting at the center of the table.
The guy at the center of the table is the tracker. his job is simple, he's going to tell the guy with the whole book which pages to copy and who to give them to. he'll tell the guy with the whole book, which happens to be 200 pages to give pages 1-5 to one guy, 6-10 to another guy, 11-15 to another, and so on. he also tells people who actually have some pages, to start copying them and send them to other people at the table....
Now, imagine the same situation with more people, and more people have full copies of the book but new people sit at the table....for a new person sitting at the table, he's going to get the book much faster than those first few people....and if he sits there awhile he may even write some pages and give them to other new people who show up....but it's not going to be NEARLY as many pages as he gets when he first sits down, unless a bunch of new people all sit down at once....
so, it's not about your total upload speed, it's about:
how many people need it uploaded
how many other people are seeding it
and how good of a job the tracker is doing.