Hello folks,
I installed and configured rutorrent in February and got everything working the way I liked: three users authenticate via standard apache auth, everything's encrypted via HTTPS, etc.
I just upgraded things yesterday to the latest SVN builds, and have noticed a problem with the multiuser configuration: it seems that my user's conf/users/username/config.php files are not overriding the default conf/config.php file.
I have modified the conf/config.php file to point to non-existant $scgi_ports and XmlRPCMountPoints. I have done this because not all users in my apache AuthFile should have access to rutorrent. RUTorrent shares the same AuthFile as another apache site.
For each rutorrent user, I create their /conf/users/username folder and customize the config.php file there to point to a correct port and RPC mount.
In rutorrent 3.0 this worked perfectly. Non-users would authenticate and be greeted with a blank rutorrent screen (is rtorrent running? check your scgi_port! error messages successfully appeared)
The moment I tried to log in with a valid user/pass, rutorrent would correctly read that user's customized config.php file and rutorrent would properly connect to that user's rtorrent process.
Easy peasy.
Unfortunately that is no longer the case with rutorrent 3.1.
My user's customized conf/users/username/config.php file has the correct scgi_port and mountpoints, but they don't work when I authenticate with rutorrent. I get a "is rtorrent running? check scgi ports" error message.
When I edit the DEFAULT conf/config.php to match the values for my user's config.php, my user works correctly and rutorrent connects to rtorrent.
These results seem to suggest that rutorrent is ignoring my user's customized config.php.
I have gone over each file in the /conf section and the /share sections and compared permissions with my old install. (I copied the old install of rutorrent to another location so I could compare perms and make sure everything was set up correctly). The user:groups are the same, and the UGO/RWX permissions are also identical.
Based on these symptoms, can you guys think of possibilities that may have escaped me? Why would rutorrent be ignoring my user's config?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
EDIT: New info related to another issue. I've posted it here: http://forums.rutorrent.org/index.php?topic=342.0
Mods, feel free to join my topics if necessary. Sorry for multi-posting, I was under the impression it was two separate issues...
I installed and configured rutorrent in February and got everything working the way I liked: three users authenticate via standard apache auth, everything's encrypted via HTTPS, etc.
I just upgraded things yesterday to the latest SVN builds, and have noticed a problem with the multiuser configuration: it seems that my user's conf/users/username/config.php files are not overriding the default conf/config.php file.
I have modified the conf/config.php file to point to non-existant $scgi_ports and XmlRPCMountPoints. I have done this because not all users in my apache AuthFile should have access to rutorrent. RUTorrent shares the same AuthFile as another apache site.
For each rutorrent user, I create their /conf/users/username folder and customize the config.php file there to point to a correct port and RPC mount.
In rutorrent 3.0 this worked perfectly. Non-users would authenticate and be greeted with a blank rutorrent screen (is rtorrent running? check your scgi_port! error messages successfully appeared)
The moment I tried to log in with a valid user/pass, rutorrent would correctly read that user's customized config.php file and rutorrent would properly connect to that user's rtorrent process.
Easy peasy.
Unfortunately that is no longer the case with rutorrent 3.1.
My user's customized conf/users/username/config.php file has the correct scgi_port and mountpoints, but they don't work when I authenticate with rutorrent. I get a "is rtorrent running? check scgi ports" error message.
When I edit the DEFAULT conf/config.php to match the values for my user's config.php, my user works correctly and rutorrent connects to rtorrent.
These results seem to suggest that rutorrent is ignoring my user's customized config.php.
I have gone over each file in the /conf section and the /share sections and compared permissions with my old install. (I copied the old install of rutorrent to another location so I could compare perms and make sure everything was set up correctly). The user:groups are the same, and the UGO/RWX permissions are also identical.
Based on these symptoms, can you guys think of possibilities that may have escaped me? Why would rutorrent be ignoring my user's config?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
EDIT: New info related to another issue. I've posted it here: http://forums.rutorrent.org/index.php?topic=342.0
Mods, feel free to join my topics if necessary. Sorry for multi-posting, I was under the impression it was two separate issues...