Upgrading rtorrent 0.8.6 to 0.8.8


May 25, 2018
Hi Guys,

Well hope this is ok to start a new thread. I have been trying to upgrade my system from rtorrent 0.8.6 to 0.8.8, and i have run into some issues.

I am using the latest svn release of rutorrent
/var/www/rutorrent# svn up
At revision 1699.

I have installed the latest svn version of rtorrent as well.

/home/user/software/trunk# svn up
At revision 1237.

Here are the config steps i took:
cd /home/user
mkdir software
cd software/
svn co svn://rakshasa.no/libtorrent/trunk
cd trunk/
svn up
cd libtorrent/
make install
cd ../rtorrent
./configure --with-xmlrpc-c
make install

Now when i reboot the box and start up rutorrent i am getting this error:
Bad link to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.

i have kept the same .rtorrent.rc file as i had on my rotrrent 0.8.6 setup so the issue with connecting through to the front end shouldn't be a problem.

rtorrent seems to be running as well:
ps aux |grep rtorrent
user 1283 0.0 0.0 23968 1404 ? Ss 17:41 0:00 SCREEN -S autodl -d -t rtorrent -m rtorrent
user 1342 0.0 0.0 23968 1400 ? Ss 17:41 0:00 SCREEN -dm -S rtorrent
root 3409 0.0 0.0 6160 664 pts/4 S+ 18:53 0:00 grep rtorrent

So i am kinda stuck as to what i need to do to get rtorrent up and going again with the latest 0.8.8 version.

Any help would be really appreciative.



May 25, 2018

All good. I have worked out the issue.

Just in case others have the same issue, as you can see from the grep there is a line missing. The correct grep should look like this:
ps aux |grep rtorrent
user 1283 0.0 0.0 24100 1468 ? Ss 19:18 0:00 SCREEN -S autodl -d -t rtorrent -m rtorrent
user 1345 0.0 0.0 23968 1404 ? Ss 19:19 0:00 SCREEN -dm -S rtorrent
user 1669 53.4 3.0 321372 162424 pts/0 Rsl+ 19:26 0:02 rtorrent
root 1681 0.0 0.0 6160 664 pts/3 S+ 19:26 0:00 grep rtorrent

Also i have found that from version of rtorrent 0.8.6 som commands for 0.8.8 in the rtorrent.rc have to be changed/edited out.

So how i found out which ones they were, i su to the user and ran the command rtorrent from the command line. It was complaining about some lines in the config file (.rtorrent.rc) that i had and therefore with commenting them out it was all good.

So just thought i would post an update in case this helps anyone else out there


May 25, 2018
awesome mate. that did the trick. i have now re-enabled the options and no issues. that scrip was very handy. it didn't fix up all the lines in my rtorrent.rc file, however when you look and find the old values in there and update the file its really straight forward.

thanks for the heads up


May 25, 2018
awesome mate. that did the trick. i have now re-enabled the options and no issues. that scrip was very handy. it didn't fix up all the lines in my rtorrent.rc file, however when you look and find the old values in there and update the file its really straight forward.​

Well, if you gave more details about before/after of the lines that needed work, I could even improve it for other people...


May 25, 2018
Hi Pyroscope,

Ive had a chance to go through the options that i think need updating in your script. Here are the changes i recommend once the original .rtorrent.rc 0.8.6 file has been converted using the script.

Change the following:
throttle.min_peers.normal to throttle.min_peers.normal.set
throttle.max_peers.normal to throttle.max_peers.normal.set
throttle.min_peers.seed to throttle.min_peers.seed.set
throttle.max_peers.seed to throttle.max_peers.seed.set
throttle.max_uploads to throttle.max_uploads.set
session.path.set back to session (i couldn't get the new syntax to work so changed back to old one)
network.port_range to network.port_range.set
network.port_random to network.port_random.set
protocol.pex to protocol.pex.set
system.hash.read_ahead to system.hash.read_ahead.set
system.hash.interval to system.hash.interval.set
system.hash.max_tries to system.hash.max_tries.set
network.max_open_files to network.max_open_files.set
network.max_open_sockets to network.max_open_sockets.set
max_open_http to network.http.max_open.set
max_file_size to system.file.max_size.set
split_file_size to system.file.split_size.set
pieces.memory.max to pieces.memory.max.set
send_buffer_size to network.send_buffer.size.set
receive_buffer_size to network.receive_buffer.size.set

So basically most of the commands that were auto converted by the script were missing the .set after the command.

Anyway have a look over the above and let me know what you think.
