Err... May be, you can't understand me? I write already third post with some info. I will try to talk "on fingers":
ruTorrent 3.2 + rTorrent 0.8.6 = good
ruTorrent 3.2 + rTorrent 0.8.7 = bad
ruTorrent 3.2 + rTorrent 0.8.8 = good, but some minor errors may be present.
ruTorrent 3.2 + rTorrent SVN = good, but some minor errors may be present.
ruTorrent SVN + rTorrent 0.8.6 = good
ruTorrent SVN + rTorrent 0.8.7 = bad
ruTorrent SVN + rTorrent 0.8.8 = good, some commands for new features are present, but not worked correctly
ruTorrent SVN + rTorrent SVN = good