I just stumbled upon this amazing web-front of rtorrent few days ago, after reading all the howtos, tutorials, I successfully installed the rutorrent, and it runs OK. But soon, I found I can't save the global max up/download rate, the default value is "102400", and no matter what I change, after reloading rutorrent in browser(not restart http), the value go back to "102400". Doesn't this value read from ~/.rtorrent.rc, in which I set both to "0". No idea what went wrong.
I'm running rTorrent 0.8.6, rutorrent 3.1, , apache/2.2.15, php 5.3.3, Archlinux. Apache is running by user "http" who is also the owner of /srv/http/rutorrent.
By the way, I'm coming from China, and I saw there is a Chinese language pack, but not very complete, still missing some UI element, and all the plugins are not yet translated. So I want to make little contribution to make a full Chinese translation. And how can I do that
I just stumbled upon this amazing web-front of rtorrent few days ago, after reading all the howtos, tutorials, I successfully installed the rutorrent, and it runs OK. But soon, I found I can't save the global max up/download rate, the default value is "102400", and no matter what I change, after reloading rutorrent in browser(not restart http), the value go back to "102400". Doesn't this value read from ~/.rtorrent.rc, in which I set both to "0". No idea what went wrong.
I'm running rTorrent 0.8.6, rutorrent 3.1, , apache/2.2.15, php 5.3.3, Archlinux. Apache is running by user "http" who is also the owner of /srv/http/rutorrent.
By the way, I'm coming from China, and I saw there is a Chinese language pack, but not very complete, still missing some UI element, and all the plugins are not yet translated. So I want to make little contribution to make a full Chinese translation. And how can I do that