haha sorry to confuse you all. it is tadd-labels 1.1, which is in lbll-suite 0.8 along with sort-labels 0.8
the original download was simply tadd-labels, which added drop-down to the torrent add dialog. that is version 1.1, for i know that it works, and haven't found any problems with it, with a minor css edit making it .1
sort-labels, however, is bound to be buggy, i only played with it for a while. so now that tadd-labels has been thrown into a suite with a beta plugin, the overall status of the project has unfortunately regressed to beta state. :/ The featured download is the most up to date. The rest have been deprecated
speaking of buggy:
About lbll-suite. For example, i have one torrent, and set for it label 'tst/Video'. All OK. Now, i want to change label for this torrent. For example, to 'tst'. As result - i will see on the left panel 2 categories with name 'tst'...
I noticed this bug as well, and haven't had much time to play with it. I can't really think of what is making it create a second instance except that I need to remove the original during the actDeleted phase of the script.? any ideas would rock. I'll test my hypothesis tomorrow. For now, I consider it a working beta, because as soon as you refresh, *poof*, the redundancy is gone.
Any more feedback!? (this is awesome thanks :])