rTorrent + ruTorrent guide


May 25, 2018
If you're running Apache 2.4.7 or newer, you might have /var/www/html as the Apache root dir. To read more, check this post and the reply I posted underneath.

Easy install script
You can now install the newest rTorrent + (optionally) ruTorrent with a shell script I made. It should work without any modifications on Debian and Ubuntu systems. Small modifications are needed to make it work on other systems.

To use the script, get the source code which you can find at http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0JYtEn2z and save it as "redtorrent.sh". Call it like this:
sudo sh redtorrent.sh <rtorrent-user>Replace <rtorrent-user> with the name of the user who will be running rTorrent (probably the user as which you're currently logged in).

There is a lot of customization possible with the script (such as disabling Apache installation and configuration which enables you to use the script with any web server) by simply changing some values under the Settings section at the beginning of the file. A few notes regarding these settings:
  • If you're going to install rTorrent on a system with low resources (e.g.: Raspberry Pi or embedded systems), it would be best to install version 0.9.3. Therefore, change RTVERSION="0.9.4" to RTVERSION="0.9.3".
  • If you really wish to keep the CPU load as low as possible, you'll also want the communication between rTorrent and ruTorrent to go over SCGI. To have it setup this way, change RUTORRENT_RPC="HTTPRPC" to RUTORRENT_RPC="SCGI".
    Note: I recommend you to not change this one unless you need it!
  • By default, rTorrent will be built with atomic operations (only applicable if you didn't change RTVERSION). This means GCC version 4.7 or higher is required. If building rTorrent fails, this is most likely the cause. To build rTorrent without atomic operations, change ATOMIC="1" to ATOMIC="0". Other solutions are to update GCC or alternatively, to install the previous version of rTorrent instead (see my first point).
  • By default, self-built software will be installed as packages ("curl", "xmlrpc-c", "libtorrent" and "rtorrent") using a tool named "Checkinstall". If you experience problems with this or if you wish to disable this behavior for some other reason, change CHECKINSTALL="1" to CHECKINSTALL="0".
  • Read the comments in the settings section!
If you're not using Debian or Ubuntu but got the script working on your system, please do leave a comment below and include any changes which you made to the script.

Things which I might add later
  • Init script
  • Config-fu
  • Server security
Install guide - intro
rTorrent is a really good torrent client but if you want it to work as good as possible, it requires some work to setup. This guide is more extensive as most other guides but the result will be worth it.
You will build libcurl/curl, xmlrpc-c, libtorrent and rtorrent yourself. This is the only way to install the latest version with support for asynchronous DNS, files pre-allocation and to have xmlrpc-c use the libxml2 library instead of an old version of Expat. If you didn't understand any of that, they are all things which will contribute to having an optimal rTorrent + ruTorrent setup. Before starting, you might want to read the list of notes under the "Easy install script" section. Even if you're not going to use the script, it's useful information.
Note: this guide doesn't contain any specific instructions for web servers different from Apache so the ruTorrent part might be slightly different if you're using nginx/lighttpd/whatever.

Make sure you're logged in as a normal user (non-root) and only run commands as root ("sudo" or "su") when I use "sudo" (and of course, when installing packages).

If you're using a Debian or Ubuntu system, you will need to install the following packages to build everything:
build-essential automake pkg-config libcppunit-dev libtool

If you're going to use a web interface for rTorrent (e.g.: ruTorrent), you will also need to install a web server and PHP5. On Debian and Ubuntu, install Apache + PHP5 with the following package:

I also recommend you to install the PHP5 command-line interpreter. It's not strictly necessary but you'll probably want to have that functionality at some point anyway (some ruTorrent plugins need it).

Checkinstall is an installation tracker which creates and installs packages (Debian/Ubuntu, Slackware or RPM). This allows you to install self-built software as packages which can be managed by your favorite package manager (e.g.: aptitude). This is not needed to setup rTorrent + ruTorrent, skip this section if you're not interested.

If you've installed checkinstall, I recommend you to disable file-system translation by changing the config file. This is to avoid unexpected errors later. Open /etc/checkinstallrc in a text-editor, search for the line where it says TRANSLATE and set it to 0.
To use, run "checkinstall make install" where you'd normally just type "make install". See the manual for more info.

Configure Apache
If you installed Apache, add the following line to your configuration file. Usually this is "httpd.conf" although it's called "apache2.conf" on some distro's (e.g. Debian and Ubuntu). This file is located in your Apache root directory (usually /etc/apache2/). You can also create a new config file (of which you can choose the name) and place it in /etc/apache2/conf.d/, this will have the same effect.
ServerName localhost

Create temp dir
mkdir ~/install
cd ~/install

Install libcurl + curl
Compiling this yourself will allow you to add support for asynchronous DNS which will result in a more responsive rTorrent.

First you'll need to install the development files of OpenSSL, c-ares, libssh2 and Libidn. On Debian and Ubuntu you can do this by installing the following packages: libssl-dev libc-ares-dev libssh2-1-dev libidn11-dev
Why? First one is for SSL support, second one for Asynchronous DNS support, third one for SSH (SCP + SFTP) support and the last one is for International Domain Names (IDN) support. The SSH and the IDN support is not needed for rTorrent + ruTorrent so you can skip them if you want.

Now download, build and install libcurl + curl. If you chose not to install some of the packages listed above, don't forget to remove the arguments to include them in the build ("--with-libssh2" for SSH and "--with-libidn" for IDN).
wget http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.37.0.tar.gz
tar xzf curl-7.37.0.tar.gz
cd curl-7.37.0
./configure --enable-ares --enable-tls-srp --with-zlib --with-ssl --with-libssh2 --with-libidn
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..
NOTE: if you used checkinstall, you might have encountered a warning message similar to the following one:
Warning "..." is not a Debian policy compliant one. Please specify an alternate one.​

Cause is that checkinstall fails to auto detect the correct version number. You can just input the version of curl which you're installing (this is 7.37.0 if you used the commands above).

Install xmlrpc-c
You will need to install subversion to download this one. Most distro's have a subversion package which you can install.
You'll also need the development files of libxml2 to build this which can be obtained on Debian and Ubuntu systems by installing the libxml2-devpackage.
By default, xmlrpc-c will use an old version of Expat for XML parsing. Now that you have libxml2, you can instruct xmlrpc-c to use this instead.
Code: [Select]
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xmlrpc-c/code/stable/ xmlrpc-c
cd xmlrpc-c
./configure --enable-libxml2-backend --disable-abyss-server --disable-cgi-server
sudo make install
cd ..
Optionally, you can also install xmlrpc-c tools (XML-RPC client program). If you don't know what this is or you don't think you need this, skip this.
cd xmlrpc-c/tools
sudo make install
cd ..

Install libTorrent
If, for some reason, you aren't going to install the newest rTorrent (version 0.9.3 or earlier), you'll also need to install libsigc++ which can be installed on Debian and Ubuntu by installing the libsigc++-2.0-dev package.
Currently, the newest libTorrent is 0.13.4. Compiling this yourself allows you to install the newest version and to add support for pre-allocation of files (which still needs to be enabled in the config file if you want to use it).
curl -O http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/libtorrent-0.13.4.tar.gz
tar xzf libtorrent-0.13.4.tar.gz
cd libtorrent-0.13.4
./configure --with-posix-fallocate
sudo make install
cd ..

Install rTorrent
Install ncurses first. This can be done on Debian and Ubuntu systems by installing the libncurses5-dev package. Now download, build and install the BitTorrent client.
curl -O http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-0.9.4.tar.gz
tar xzf rtorrent-0.9.4.tar.gz
cd rtorrent-0.9.4
./configure --with-xmlrpc-c
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

Configure rTorrent
rTorrent can be configured easily by placing a config file named ".rtorrent.rc" in your home dir. An example of such a file can be found here http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=YEpTJjR6. Tweak the file to your needs (do NOT skip this part) and make sure it contains the following:
Code: [Select]
scgi_port = old syntax for this is network.scgi.open_port = Use the syntax above instead.

Install ruTorrent
Download ruTorrent and move the folder to your web-server root.
Code: [Select]
curl -LO http://dl.bintray.com/novik65/generic/rutorrent-3.6.tar.gz
tar xzf rutorrent-3.6.tar.gz
sudo mv rutorrent /var/www
cd ..
Optionally, you can also download the official plugins (highly recommended) and move them to your ruTorrent folder. Some plugins also have some dependencies which need to be installed first, these are (as far as I know):
  • autotools: php5-cli
  • rss: php5-cli
  • unpack: unzip and unrar-free
  • screenshots: ffmpeg
  • mediainfo: mediainfo
Install the packages which I listed as dependencies for plug-ins which you might use (got to https://code.google.com/p/rutorrent/wiki/Plugins for info or just install all of them).
Done? Now download and install the plugins.
Code: [Select]
curl -LO http://dl.bintray.com/novik65/generic/plugins-3.6.tar.gz
tar xzf plugins-3.6.tar.gz
sudo mv plugins /var/www/rutorrent
cd ..
For ruTorrent to function properly, the web server user needs read, write and execute permissions on the ruTorrent folder. Take ownership of the ruTorrent directory and change permissions with the following commands:
Code: [Select]
sudo chown -R <rtorrent-user>:<web-server-group> /var/www/rutorrent
sudo chmod -R 770 /var/www/rutorrentIf you're unsure as what to fill in as <rutorrent-user>, just use your current username. If you don't know what to use as <web-server-group>, it's probably "www-data" so fill that in.

rTorrent - ruTorrent communication
ruTorrent communicates with rTorrent using RPC. You can choose to do this either over SCGI or over HTTP.

XML-RPC over SCGI is the default setup. This is the best solution for embedded systems where you need to keep the CPU load as low as possible. To setup rTorrent + ruTorrent using XML-RPC over SCGI, skip to "XML-RPC over SCGI".

RPC over HTTP is a simpler and more secure setup. There are two ruTorrent plugins which implement RPC over HTTP (obviously, you have to have the official plugins installed to be able to use one of them).
Choose ONE and do not use either in combination with XML-RPC over SCGI (it will work but it defeats the purpose).
  • RPC: XML-RPC over HTTP. Simple but useful. Skip to "XML-RPC with the RPC plugin" for instructions.
  • HTTPRPC (recommended): JSON-RPC over HTTP. Decreases bandwidth usage a lot. Skip to "JSON-RPC with the HTTPRPC plugin" for instructions.

If you installed Apache, you will need to install the SCGI mod. On Debian and Ubuntu, you do this by installing the libapache2-mod-scgi package.

Now add this to your Apache config file
Code: [Select]
And enable the SCGI module
Code: [Select]
sudo a2enmod scgi
Finally, add the following to your ruTorrent plugins.ini file (/var/www/rutorrent/conf/plugins.ini) to disable the RPC and HTTPRPC plugins.
Code: [Select]
enabled = no
enabled = no

XML-RPC with the RPC plugin
Add the following to your ruTorrent plugins.ini file (/var/www/rutorrent/conf/plugins.ini) to enable the RPC plugin and disable the HTTPRPC plugin.
Code: [Select]
enabled = yes
enabled = no

JSON-RPC with the HTTPRPC plugin
Add the following to your ruTorrent plugins.ini file (/var/www/rutorrent/conf/plugins.ini) to enable the HTTPRPC plugin and disable the RPC plugin.
Code: [Select]
enabled = yes
enabled = no

Final step - restart the web-server
For Apache, type the following:
Code: [Select]
sudo service apache2 restart

Using rTorrent with screen
Screen is a terminal multiplexer. Or simply said, a utility to run multiple sessions at the same time. That way you can start rTorrent as a detached session and use terminal for other things while rTorrent keeps running in the background. Here is a small list of commands to use when using rTorrent with screen.

Start rTorrent detached
screen -S rtorrent -d -m rtorrent

Resume detached session
screen -S rtorrent -r

Quit detached rTorrent session
screen -S rtorrent -X xon

Detach current session from this terminal
Ctrl+a d

Quit current rTorrent session
Ctrl+a q

Using rTorrent with tmux
tmux is another terminal multiplexer (so you don't need this if you just installed screen). Use the following list of commands to control rTorrent with tmux.

Start rTorrent detached
tmux new-session -s bittorrent -n rtorrent -d rtorrent

Resume detached session
tmux attach -t bittorrent

Quit detached rTorrent session
tmux send-keys -t bittorrent:rtorrent C-q

Detach current session from this terminal
Ctrl+b d

Quit current rTorrent session

If you have questions or suggestions...
...please do leave a comment


May 25, 2018
I have a problem with compiling rtorrent 0.9.4 on my raspberry Pi - OS: Xbian (based on debian wheezy, kernel 3.12.20+). I already made it working on my seedbox using this guide but have a problem with raspberry Pi.

I'm sure that xmlrpc-c is properly compiled because i made the same steps like on my seedbox using debian 7.5 and it worked without problem, i tried using ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c=/usr/local/bin/xmlrpc-c-config
when i use /usr/local/bin/xmlrpc-c-config --version
i got the same value as on my seedbox: 1.33.12
( I already got 0.9.3 on both my seedbox and raspberry Pi and compiled it without any problems )
I got an error during configuration:
checking for XMLRPC-C... failed

Would really appreciate any help.

Best wishes

I managed to find solution for this, the problem was not in xmlrpc but in libtorrent and atomic operations, https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/156
TO solve this just configure and compile libtorrent with ./configure --disable-instrumentation


May 25, 2018
Thanks! smiley.gif

I followed your guide (didn't run the script) and successfully upgraded rtorrent/libtorrent/rutorrent from 0.9.2/0.13.2 to your recommended versions.

However, I'm a little bit frustrated because I thought this upgrade would eliminate the freezes either in rtorrent and rutorrent, but they're still there. It's very annoying interact with both screens as if I were running them over an ancient machine, which is not the case (it's an Intel Quad running Ubuntu).

But I think this has nothing to do with your guide in itself, so thanks once more.



May 25, 2018
Just updated the guide (fixed the broken config file link and added some info)

I managed to find solution for this​
Glad you found a solution and thanks for posting it

However, I'm a little bit frustrated because I thought this upgrade would eliminate the freezes either in rtorrent and rutorrent, but they're still there. It's very annoying interact with both screens as if I were running them over an ancient machine, which is not the case (it's an Intel Quad running Ubuntu).

But I think this has nothing to do with your guide in itself, so thanks once more.​
When does it freeze? Does it stay frozen until you restart rTorrent? Is it only the web-interface (ruTorrent) which hangs or is it rTorrent itself? Have you always had this problem? I might be able to help you if you give me more info


May 25, 2018
When does it freeze? Does it stay frozen until you restart rTorrent? Is it only the web-interface (ruTorrent) which hangs or is it rTorrent itself? Have you always had this problem? I might be able to help you if you give me more info
1 -
On startup

rtorrent - Whenever I startup rtorrent, it shows up its initial screen, no error messages, but for some 10 minutes, the screen seems frozen, it doesn't respond to any key strokes like moving the cursor with the arrow keys or scrolling down with the page keys.
After that initial freeze, it starts responding.
rutorrent - During that time, rutorrent only logs an rtorrent timeout. After those 10 minutes, rutorrent starts showing data and responding to user interactions.

UPDATE: I just came from starting rtorrent and I can't really say that rutorrent freezes on rtorrent startup. The point is that rutorrent keeps logging "The request to rTorrent has timed out.", which seems to be related to rtorrent freeze.

After startup

rtorrent and rutorrent - Sometimes both screens freeze, but for shorter periods (around 1 minute).

2 - No, after those 10 minutes it starts refreshing but freezes still occur, as stated in the previous item.

3 - Both, like I stated in item 1.

4 - This issue was much harder before I upgraded using your guide, but is is still present.

This issue doesn't seem to harm the torrents transfers, only the user interfaces, both in rtorrent and rutorrent.

Thanks for helping

I'm running rtorrent over Ubuntu 12.04


May 25, 2018
Since you followed my guide I assume that you compiled curl with c-ares support?
I don't have a solution ready for you but this might help you: https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/180

Also, add this to your rTorrent config file
log.open_file = "rtorrent", ~/rtorrent.log
log.add_output = "debug", "rtorrent"Check the output of the log file when rTorrent hangs


May 25, 2018
I have a question about memory usage, I used your guide to make it on my raspberry Pi (only difference I turned off atomic operations in libtorrent), the problem is that it's much more memory usage compared to 0.9.3 what can be a cause of this? (Maybe some of this precompiled functions can make it more memory need?) In rtorrent 0.9.3 with the same number of torrents added (got the same session folder) I had about 2-15% of memory (RPi got 512MB) and now I'm about 15-40% so it's really huge difference.

Best wishes


May 25, 2018
Yes, I compiled curl with c-ares support.

The log shows these lines among many others:

1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I handshake_manager-> Received error: message:7 network error.
1402063137 I 8CD9FE608A09B282A5F9530F42DC87C598871901->tracker_list: Failed to connect to tracker url:'http://bt2.rutracker.org/ann?uk=918lYeL1Hf' msg:'Could not parse bencoded data'.
1402063137 I 8CD9FE608A09B282A5F9530F42DC87C598871901->tracker_list: Sending 'started' to group:1 url:'http://retracker.local/announce'.
1402063137 I 8CD9FE608A09B282A5F9530F42DC87C598871901->tracker_list: Sending 'started' to group:2 url:'dht://'.
1402063137 I 8CD9FE608A09B282A5F9530F42DC87C598871901->tracker_list: Failed to connect to tracker url:'http://retracker.local/announce' msg:'Couldn't resolve host name'.

(where "myip" stands for my current IP address)

(The "Couldn't resolve host name" shows up 8 more times associated to other torrents)

Is it the case of implementing mikisvaz solution as stated here (https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/180#issuecomment-37541967?


May 25, 2018
I have a question about memory usage, I used your guide to make it on my raspberry Pi (only difference I turned off atomic operations in libtorrent), the problem is that it's much more memory usage compared to 0.9.3 what can be a cause of this? (Maybe some of this precompiled functions can make it more memory need?) In rtorrent 0.9.3 with the same number of torrents added (got the same session folder) I had about 2-15% of memory (RPi got 512MB) and now I'm about 15-40% so it's really huge difference.
See https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/191. On my system memory usage seems to be increased by nearly 15% compared to the previous version.

Also, in the thread which you linked to in your first post, someone posted a link to a workaround for ARM systems (such as the Pi) to have support for atomic operations for older versions of GCC. Try it.

Is it the case of implementing mikisvaz solution as stated here (https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/180#issuecomment-37541967?​
Does the "Couldn't resolve host name" error also show up for other URL's as "http://retracker.local/announce"? The errors related to "http://retracker.local/announce" can be resolved by telling rutracker (all the retracker.local URL's are probably from rutracker torrents) not to add that line as a tracker URL when you download torrents (go to http://rutracker.org/forum/profile.php?mode=editprofile and change radio button where it says "Добавлять ретрекер в торрент-файлы").
And yes, I believe mikisvaz's solution can help eliminate the freezing (of course only if the cause of the freezes is DNS issues).
Don't know what the "handshake_manager->ip: Received error: message:7 network error" errors specifically mean though, will have to look at the source or ask rakshasa about that.


May 25, 2018
Yes, it does, but it is a small subset among many, many other trackers URL's (and when I say "many" I mean hundreds of them...)

Thanks for the tip on rutracker, I've already changed that setting there. But I believe this will apply only for new torrents I download from there. I believe that I will have to manually delete that tracker from each rutracker torrent already in my rtorrent client, right?

UPDATE: Would this be an alternative solution to retracker errors? http://www.torrent-invites.com/showthread.php?t=219169

I also noticed there are other kinds of errors:

- many, many "Failed to scrape tracker...";
- many, many "Failed to connect to tracker";

Would such high number of errors be the cause for the freezes?


May 25, 2018
Thanks for the tip on rutracker, I've already changed that setting there. But I believe this will apply only for new torrents I download from there. I believe that I will have to manually delete that tracker from each rutracker torrent already in my rtorrent client, right?

UPDATE: Would this be an alternative solution to retracker errors? http://www.torrent-invites.com/showthread.php?t=219169
Yes, you'll have to edit all your torrents to get rid of the retracker.local URLs. Haven't tried the retrackers plugin but it should be able to do that. You can also use this script (place it in the same dir as your *.torrent files and run it)

I also noticed there are other kinds of errors:

- many, many "Failed to scrape tracker...";
- many, many "Failed to connect to tracker";

Would such high number of errors be the cause for the freezes?​
Not really sure but I think yes, it's possible. Make a new log file and post it somewhere where I can see it and I'll have a look at it.


May 25, 2018
Yep, update of gcc to gcc-4.7 resolves the problem and you can compile with atomic operations.
But it's really annoying that it got huge memory leaks, and also CPU usage is also higher than 0.9.3 I think I'll stick to 0.9.2 till they fill fix it, because on raspberry Pi I got really low resources (512MB Ram, a little below 1GHz CPU, so with XBMC, and sickbeard running there's no place for memory leaks;p
Best wishes


May 25, 2018
Any specific reason for not using 0.9.3 instead? That version doesn't have the increased memory usage and it does have some fixes compared to 0.9.2


May 25, 2018
Yes, you'll have to edit all your torrents to get rid of the retracker.local URLs. Haven't tried the retrackers plugin but it should be able to do that. You can also use this script (place it in the same dir as your *.torrent files and run it)

Not really sure but I think yes, it's possible. Make a new log file and post it somewhere where I can see it and I'll have a look at it.
I manually inactivated retracker trackers from rutracker and it seemed to have improved the overall performance, though sometimes small freezes still happen.

I think I will go with this the way it is for now.

Once more, many thanks for the guide and off-topic support smiley.gif



May 25, 2018
Firstly, thank you for this excellent script. Makes it easier to quickly redeploy this when I need to. Now on to the issue I did encounter, I did not have this issue on a Debian 6 install, but I made a fresh VM of Debian 7 with sudo installed and a user belonging to the sudo group. Besides those changes the system is as the disk installs. rtorrent continually failed to build with a cannot find config.h error. It was fairly cryptic, but I decided to look at the script in that relevant section and noticed you do not have make under the rtorrent section. Just a ./autogen.sh and a ./configure but then you do make install under checkinstall later in the script for rtorrent. I hope this isn't too rambly, but is there a reason you did it that way? I added make under the ./configure in the rtorrent section:

Code: [Select]
# rTorrent
wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-"$RTVERSION".tar.gz
tar xzf rtorrent-"$RTVERSION".tar.gz
cd rtorrent-"$RTVERSION"
./configure --with-xmlrpc-c
cd ..

and it continued with no problems. Thought I'd mention it.

Thanks again!


May 25, 2018
shocked.gif No idea when or why that disappeared, must've happened accidentally last time I updated the script. Thanks for reporting, I updated the script.



May 25, 2018
shocked.gif No idea when or why that disappeared, must've happened accidentally last time I updated the script. Thanks for reporting, I updated the script.
Hello, theres still a problem with yours script.
Error message:
Code: [Select]
Please specify a valid user.
Exiting with status code 1.
Im typing correct username.



May 25, 2018
Which OS are you using? Are you sure you're specifying a valid username (non-root)?
Please post the line which you're using to call the script and also post the output of "cat /etc/passwd"

I just looked at the code again and gave it a few test runs and it works perfectly on my system.