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  1. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    if renting out seedboxes, is there any downside to using the multiple users on one ip model as opposed to setting up VPS for each customer?
  2. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    You dont need to install webmin, but if you are unfamiliar with working in a shell environment it can make many configuration tasks simpler.
  3. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    yeh mate take a look at this u will see why... Quote Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 10G 1.4G 8.2G 15% / tmpfs 983M 0 983M 0% /lib/init/rw udev 10M 156K 9.9M 2% /dev tmpfs...
  4. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    I used this guide some years ago, now I need to upgrade rtorrent 0.8.6 to 0.9.2 and libtorrent 0.12.6 --> 0.13.2 (need magnetic link support) What is the simplest way/procedure , I dont want to break my installation
  5. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Follow the manual guide of adding users.
  6. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    That's what I thought this was "SCREEN -dm -S rtorrent" so there should be an "rtorrent" line there as well?
  7. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Hi, I have a problem with "rtorrent startup script". error: cat: 0.77€ (/home/MYUSERNAME/.rtorrent.rc): No existe el fichero o el directorio cannot find readable session directory from config /home/MYUSERNAME/.rtorrent.rc. check permissions When I open with "rtorrent" in terminal, I don't...
  8. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    I plan to update this tutorial soon. Just going through a house move so once Im all settled in a few weeks I should have some more time.
  9. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Excellent tutorial. Thanks a lot. I'm not a linux pro but Ι installed successfully my user's r/rutorrent/pureftpd. I ask only for some clarifications 1.rtorrent config: with that path are data stored at file system? I had an error previously with file system (device no more space). I mean...
  10. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Try to update from SVN. If problem still present - put here info about your client OS and browser.
  11. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Many thanks wonslung, I have done it with .htaccess & .htpasswd. and change: </Directory> <Directory /var/www/rutorrent/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None TO </Directory> <Directory /var/www/rutorrent/>...
  12. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    currently you would need to either buy the quotaspace plugin or write something similar yourself. The biggest issue with quota is that if you read a quota, rtorrent will lock up and shoot to 100%. If you want more details on the paid plugin email me at [email protected]
  13. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Chrome is buggy. You must clear the cache and restart chrome.
  14. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    You're using rtorrent 0.8.7. No wonder it's crashing. You did not follow this tutorial from start to end. Follow the instructions and you should have no problem installing it. Many other people have successfully used this tutorial.
  15. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    The owner of the file should be root. Did you edit the user name? The user should not be the root user. Use a normal user.
  16. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    the error tells you that your apache config is bad. Look at the error logs and find out what is wrong.
  17. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    First thank you so much for this guide! I went from knowing little about linux a few days ago, to almost having this working. I do have a few questions regarding this installation. I have had to log in as root in order to give permission for some of these commands to work. I know that is not...