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  1. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    I was using Flow and Transmit under Mac OS, FTPrush with W7. TLS with value 1 was there, used PASV connection, fiddled around with pretty much all the relevant settings, would not work. Followed your advise and switched to SmartFTP - worked INSTANTLY with standard explicit SSL settings, did not...
  2. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    The reason i prefer pure-ftpd over vsftp is that you can create multiple "virtual" users per real unix user. This can be really nice. It also allows you to create virtual users with download access but no delete access...this too can be nice.
  3. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Hi, I followed the tuto and installed rtorrent+rutorrent with success. I had some problems with pure-ftpd so I installed vsftpd. everything is running good now. one question: I would like to browse the file folder (/home/<username>/torrents) via web (https://<ipaddress>/torrents). I guess I...
  4. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    you can have multiple ip's on a single nic. It's called ALIAS IP's Some server sellers call it "fail over ip" Anyways, depending on your distro, it's different. With FreeBSD you add the alias ip's to /etc/rc.conf like this: let's pretned your first ip is set up like this in /etc/rc.conf...
  5. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    Easier, in as much as theres a few less steps, but you have to do the full setup as per this guide (minus the multi-user steps) for every virtual machine. So ultimately its alot more work... I take it you're doing all this so you can sell seedbox space?
  6. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    well not really. I own an OVH dedicated server and I can set up more IPs on the same server, just with an IP alias: what I would like to do is to "bind" every IP to a different user so anyone will be able to access to rutorrent and to FTP using his own IP. Hope...
  7. R

    Ubuntu Seedbox with rtorrent | rutorrent | pureftpd | multi-user (optional)

    PART 3: rutorrent Ok, now to install rutorrent ruTorrent is really just a set of php and html files, so we're going to install them to a folder under our web server root. We’re going to get the latest copy from the subversion repository. Code: cd /tmp svn checkout...
  8. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    I do all by the manual steps and have an problem - rutorrent just don't loading, I see only loading gif. May be the problem with ssl (I use https). No errors in apache logs, rutorrent and rtorrent log - just nothing nowhere. My configuration is Ubuntu 14.04.4, x64, Apache/2.4.18, PHP 5.6.18...
  9. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide
  10. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    I also tried to install quotatool, but when entering "quotatool -u tload -bq 5000M /home" I get error "quotatool: Filesystem /home does not exist" You having any other method which makes it possible to see discspace usage?
  11. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    anyone can tell me if its possible to show the total Space used by torrents in 1 seedbox if you run 2 seedboxes on 1 server with 1 harddrive / 1 partition? would be awesome if thats possible. Cuz for now i can just see the available space of the total discspace of the server
  12. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    You Sir...are a genius! Thank you so much! It's working! It does say: Code: [19.01.2015 09:25:05] WebUI started. [19.01.2015 09:25:05] rutracker_check: Plugin will not work. Webserver user must have execute access to the rtorrent session directory (). [19.01.2015 09:25:05] screenshots...
  13. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Thanks for the script. It was a huge help...
  14. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Hi, I'm trying to use your script on a fresh install of ubuntu 14.04.1 server 64 bit, running in vmware workstation 10. I'm logged in via ssh with the user matt. I modified the first few lines of the script like this: Code: [Select] # (new) Maintainer user XUSER="matt" # Password for said...
  15. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    all that is because you told the install script to install everything to root and the webserver-user (www-data) doesn't have any permissions on root's dirs you should run the script again and pass A "NORMAL" USER as an argument instead of root also, I am not here to teach you Linux, Debian or...
  16. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    kabeleon, thank you so much It is finally running, i did exactly how you said. I am sorry i know its extreme difficault to understand everything. The beginning is hard Downloading / seeding works. And i also can download the files in Filezilla which are downloaded in webUI But i have 1...
  17. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Has nothing to do with your problem, just ignore it No you didn't but ignore/forget about all that Yes but seems it's extremely difficult to explain anything to you... Open the ~/.rtorrent.rc file (exactly and only that specific file!!!!) read the damn comments and edit lines such as...
  18. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Thank you for your great guide! Best guide I've found yet and also the most up to date. I'm getting these annoying rss errors though Code: rss: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (curl).Getting error loading feed every time it updates but feeds...
  19. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    hello bro ... need help .... Code: configure: error: c-ares library defective or too old [root@vps curl-7.38.0]# i use Centos and gcc 4.4.7-4 :::EDIT::: solve the problem by install the latest c-ares v 1.10. for Centos, need to install manually libssh2, libxml2. i will update any package...
  20. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Good idea, will do. It surely is one of the most retarded updates I've ever seen anywhere. For more info see Why has the apache2 www dir been moved to /var/www/html? Where to place my local website starting with the 2.4.7 version of apache2?