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  1. S

    Error: torrent wasn't passed to rtorrent on upgrade to 0.12.6/0.8.6

    I am not using the SVN version I reverted back to rutorrent 3.1 after it did not work as well.
  2. S

    Error: torrent wasn't passed to rtorrent on upgrade to 0.12.6/0.8.6

    www-data owns /var/www and all subdirectories. I have tried multiple versions of rutorrent including the latest svn. I am running a recent version of PHP. I am sure that it was upgrading rtorrent that caused it because it happed after I upgraded and fixed itself when I reverted to the last...
  3. S

    Error: torrent wasn't passed to rtorrent on upgrade to 0.12.6/0.8.6

    I recently upgraded my version of libtorrent/rtorrent from 0.12.5/0.8.5 to 0.12.6/0.8.6. After the upgrade I cannot add torrents and get the error "Error: torrent wasn't passed to rtorrent" in the logger. I have tried upgrading xmlrpc-c and have had to revert back to the previous version of...
  4. S

    Bad response - getplugins error

    A 500 error should be a webserver problem. You sould see in that way. You always have this message on each access of rutorrent? Even after a refresh?
  5. S

    Dont save upload/download limits?

    it reads the limit set in your config on load, if you change them at runtime, the new values are only used until rtorrent is stopped and the process repeats untill you modify your config
  6. S

    help optimising rutorrent

    Cpuload plugin show some data as program "top". But it really show average system loading, not simple "CPU usage".
  7. S

    help optimising rutorrent

    Sory I forgot the log file, will post soon And can you help me make a script to run all instance of rtorrent every hour (in case someone crash it can be restore) like this: (I made the start up script as Subsy's tut ) sudo /etc/init.d/rtorrent start sudo /etc/init.d/rtorrent2 start sudo...
  8. S

    help optimising rutorrent

    My rtorrent which has abt 20 torrent of total 100GB always crash, there are some big file (> 10GB) the other rtorrents which running paralel are stilll ok , what s the problem ?
  9. S

    bad response

    I am only up to 250 torrents now. So when i get back up to a normal number we'll see if it happens again........hopefully not :d
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    bad response

    Nope just that one time. No errors since, guess i'll just have to wait till i get a couple hundred going again..........see what happens
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    bad response

    Not much else to say, i tried refreshing ruT then restarted rT......same error. The only reason i tried rebooting my server. Was because i was out of options.......what else should i have tried? My question is the 500 server error (list) so that's it saying it won't show the list of torrents...
  12. S

    bad response

    Yes that was the entire error and refresh did not help.I even went as far as rebooting the server. the only thing that fixed it was less torrents in rT
  13. S

    bad response

    Not sure how many torrents i had going, but wasn't much. Maybe 300 or so and i got Bad response from server: (500 [error,list]). It wouldn't show any rT stats nothing. Once i deleted a bunch of them threw screen in rT. It went away and everything is normal. Is there something i can change to fix...
  14. S

    Enable tracker_dump?

    ok, show me your .rtorrent.rc
  15. S

    Enable tracker_dump?

    does that error show up on every torrent? Are you trying new torrents or are you trying to resume partially downloaded torrents from torrentflux? Are you behind a router or firewall?
  16. S

    Enable tracker_dump?

    For rTorrent 0.8.6 you must add to conf file line set_log.tracker = /tmp/tracker.dmp After that you may see all traffic with tracker in file /tmp/tracker.dmp.
  17. S

    Change Ownership on download?

    that could be a bad idea depending on what the permissions are and what you want to make them.
  18. S

    Change Ownership on download?

    your best bet is to use a group or umask. if you set umask to 0000 in rtorrent, all files will be created as 666 and all dir's 777 or put both users in some group and set umask to 0002
  19. S

    Change Ownership on download?

    which os are you using? theres a couple ways to do it, as brock said, you can use su -c, or you could use cron instead of an init script. Which os are you on?
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    Apache Asking for HTPassword Twice

    apache is probably asking for it twice because you probably set up password protection on both /RPC2 and / with different authnames.