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  1. D

    Problem removing torrent + data on latest SVN

    Hi guys, I have a small issue on my server. I have just rebooted the server which had been up for quite a while, so thought i would svn up the rutorrent release. So did that and kicked off rtorrent+rutorrent. I am running rtorrent 0.8.9 What i have found is that now when i select remove...
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    rutorrent and transdroid

    Recently (like 2 day ago)i got my hands on an cheap tablet with android to read comic's and light novels while i m not at home, but since i got free internet for 30 days i tought in trying managing my stuff from the table to see how everything works, and ofc one of the things was rutorrent. At...
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    Seeding VS Completed

    Question=when a file gets a 1.0 ratio,it looks like the file goes to "Compleated" instead of "Seeding" Is the file still seeding? If no, how can i turn it off so its always seeding? Thanks in advance for your help
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    Undefined Variable

    Hi When I run the following, I get errors. /usr/bin/php /var/www/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php PHP Notice: Undefined variable: pInfo in /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/autotools/init.php on line 28 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: pInfo in /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/cookies/init.php on line 3...
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    I need to know where to find a few files

    I used brocks auto installer but now I get the scgi error and was told to use the httprc which is installed, so I tried what the config.php says and did this, $scgi_port = 0; $scgi_host = "unix:///tmp/rpc.socket"; and still got the error, can someone tell me how to find the files for the...
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    [Failure reason "Invalid Torrent!"]

    Hi when i download a torrent from different sources i often get this error [Failure reason "Invalid Torrent!"] yet if i put it straight into my utorrent browser - i get no problems can anyone shed any light onto this error as my hosting company are as useless as a chocolate teapot Thanks
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    Torrents adding in "stopped" state

    Hi Guys, My ruTorrent install seems to be adding torrents by default in the stopped state. Oddly it was working OK before and it just started doing it now. I think this may be a permissions problem somewhere, but i can't seem to pinpoint the issue. Any help would be appreciated!
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    rutorrent speed setting

    I know where these values are set to be bigger?
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    rTorrent user can't access external program

    Hello, I'm always having these two errors in my rutorrent log: Code: [28.06.2012 17:25:08] screenshots: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (ffmpeg). [28.06.2012 17:25:08] mediainfo: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (mediainfo)...
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    Directory Based on Tracker

    Hello all, Can someone help me configure ruTorrent to download files to directories based on the tracker? I basically download Movies from PTP and tv shows from BTN and just want them to go to specific folders, so that when I rsync them to local directories, my Plex server can pick them and...
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    Move completed ONLY from download directory

    Hi there, I use the following code to move all completed downloads to a different folder. Code: system.method.set_key =,move_complete,"d.set_directory=/stnick/data/completed;execute=mv,-u,$d.get_base_path=,/stnick/data/completed" This works great for me as then...
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    Deleting Users Off MultiUser system

    hi guys im running ubuntu 12.04 desktop with rutorrent + multiuser i need to delete a couple of users off the system and rutorrent how do i do it Thanks in advance
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    Moving completed torrents with a bash script - how to seed again?

    Hi guys, I have AutoTools enabled, so all my completed torrents get automatically moved to a "done downloading" folder. I then run a simple bash script to rsync that stuff to another server, and at that moment I would love to move rsync'ed stuff to a 3rd, "done syncing" folder. How can I...
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    [SOLVED] Format for ipv4_filter.load file

    With regards to IP Filtering, I have attempted to add the following an ipfilter config to rtorrent: config file = rtorrent.rc Code: ipv4_filter.load=./ipfilter.file I tried several different formats, but I could not get rtorrent to successfully load with any of the following formats...
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    A programmer question : how to retrieve the connected user

    Hello, I have a multiple user environment and I would like to add the connected user in the document.title of the web page (in webui.js file, setStatusUpdate function) (rutorrent/js/webui.js) I tried to make a webui.php (in same folder) with <?php $user = getUser(); ?> (getUser() function...
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    cyclic download behaviour with rtorrent

    I run rtorrent-0.8.9-2.el6.rf.i686 on a centos 6 server 32bit (command line only). Firstly I have to say rtorrent is just brilliant and it enables me to seed all through the night independent of my pc's. Attached is a screenshot of my adsl data stream when downloading using rtorrent, you can see...
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    Ratio settings not working

    schedule = ratio,60,60,"stop_on_ratio=200,200M,2000" is what I have in my rtorrent config, I have also tried the ratio plugin but it doesn't seem to work either...
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    Change format of the 'Finished' column?

    Hello The Finished column in the torrent view shows when the torrent finished. Currently it shows this date&time as "5d 19h", when another day goes by it would then read "6d 19h". I would like it to display the date in an absolute format instead, for example "2013-07-27 15:14:05". How can...
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    Syntax error?

    I recently rebuilt my linux home server with Arch and decided to go with Cherokee instead of lighttpd. I've got Cherokee up and running and configured php (even tested it by trying to open a php page), but I'm getting an odd error when I load the rutorrent page. Code: [22.06.2011 19:04:14]...
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    rutorrent css issues

    I am using the excellent oblivion theme and I am having issues with the labels icons showing up for me This is how labels are supposed to look using this theme But here are the results I am getting.. With chrome the labels do not load and I get these odd squares (I get the squares even with...