Search results

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    [Solved] XMLRPC Error: Command "f.prioritize_first" does not exist. [getfiles]

    Hi, XMLRPC Error: Command "f.prioritize_first" does not exist. [getfiles] I'm getting the above error when I click on a torrent in the list within ruTorrent. I get the error message once for each torrent, if I click on each. I have followed the guide here...
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    Remove password check, how do I do it?

    Hello! How do I remove the password check when logging into rutorrent, I would love a verison of it where I don't have to login as I'm the only person able to access the PC I wanna run it on, atleast for the time being and having to login is a pain. Thanks
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    Upgrade ubuntu server rutorrent borked, backup help

    What files should I pull from a trashed install such that my ratio groups, rss feeds, and regular expressions for those feeds are preserved? Looks like I'm some version of v.3.2 not entirely sure if this is single or multi user setup. I have files under share that makes me thing somehow once...
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    setting up rutorrent rss auto dl with seebox web ui

    I have a seedbox set up with dediseedbox. The only option I believe is to use the ruTorrent WEB GUI. I figured out how to set up the RSS and auto download I think but I can not figure out how to set up the RSS refresh interval. It is set on 5 min and that is a lot longer than I would like...
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    i want install it under already working debian

    Hi please i already have my server working and i want install this tools its very important for me so is it possible to install the muti-users script and get it working without re-install appache and server?? i don't and i can't re-install whole server as i have more than 20 site hosted on it...
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    Problem with Apache performance

    Hi I am using rutorrent 3.2 with apache web server. I have setup Apache so that I can browse to my download folder using internet explorer(http and not ftp). and I download my files with internet download manager. I have a severe problem. when I start to download 3 files at the same time, I can...
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    Intermittent tracker connection error

    Hi, i'm having a small issue with rutorrent gui, i noticed this intermittent Error : Tracker: [Couldn't connect to server] however the tracker that it cries about not being able to connect, gets stats updates(up/down speeds, seeding time etc.) without issues. i've ran netcat against against...
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    Weird problem

    I used brocks script to setup rutorrent but not im getting this error, Bad response from server: (500 [error,getuisettings]) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html...
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    connection to rtorrent not established

    Hi friends, I love this forum,most of times I find answers by search button here,but this time,I tried all the ways with out any help Being a noob,I Installed rutorrent from brocks 1 line script that worked amazing as usual,but I frequently get error "No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is...
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    Server Requirements And...

    Hello everyone, Want to buy vps and searching for these questions in search engine and on this forum but haven't found the answer. (I hope this is the right board to ask and thanks in advance). 1. I'm planning to install rutorrent in ubuntu or debian what's the minimum server requirements...
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    Creating Torrents

    Hello I've just installed rutorrent, but actually I'm not sure if I did everything or everything correctly (I can't seem to find an install guide for rutorrent itself?). Basically what I did is grab the utorrent and plugins tarballs from the downloads page, put it in my web directory and put...
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    How to remove everything

    I want to remove rtorrent and rutorrent and just use the packages given by the ubuntu repositories. I understand that i will not have support for rutorrent if i do this, that is fine. But the scripts didn't work and installed a whole bunch of stuff i don't want or need, and i don't know how to...
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    Problem with rutorrent script

    I've been using Brock's script for awhile now but the last couple of installs aren't working so well. I'm getting alot of errors like the "no connection to rutorrent" or a plugins error. So I just wanted to find out what is the most stable version of rutorrent? It's mostly when I add a torrent...
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    XMLRPC Error

    I've moved from nginx to apache last night and everything seems to be working just right, with a single issue. When I click the "Settings" icon to go to rutorrent/rtorrent settings, I get this error in the status pane: Code: XMLRPC Error: Method 'get_hash_interval' not defined [getsettings]...
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    Problem with rutorrent

    I just purchased a new seedbox from, I am getting this message Can someone help me please, i can't add a torrent or do anything, this is my first seedbox.
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    Bad response from server: (200 [parsererror,gettrafic])

    Just got this set up on a clean debian install on remote server. all dependencies are set up including php5. I can add torrents, but rtorrent will not connect to the trackers? One tracker shows the seeds, but I guess it can't get the proper peer list? Any help would be appreciated. FYI: debian...
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    99.9% Downloads

    Hi, Since I bought my new server, i can't finish torrents... All my torrents with more than 1Gb are blocked at 99.9%. I try to réinstall, buy nothing to do. Next I tried with my old server, with the same configuration and the problem does'nt appear... Installation of Ubuntu => Lighttpd =>...
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    Closed XMLRPC log

    Hello, i wan't install rtorrent + rutorrent on my dedicated server but i got error. Please help to fix that Code: Closed XMLRPC log. My specs: - Linux Debian 7.0 Wheezy - rutorrent / libtorrent14 (0.9.2-1 / 0.13.2-1) - from apt-get - libxmlrpc-c3 (1.06.27-1.1) - from apt-get My configuration...
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    rTorrent problem: File chunk read error: Too many open files

    Hi all -- new to the site. Setting up my first dedicated seedbox after I outgrew my shared seedbox provider. Before I worry about ruTorrent, I'm trying to get rTorrent itself working reliably. I have rTorrent 0.9.2/libTorrent 0.13.2 set up and working, but am getting a persistent error in the...
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    Managing multiple rtorrent servers with a single rutorrent interface?

    I am now running rtorrent / rutorrent on two VPS (1 in Thailand and 1 in the US) and when we (finally) get 3G or ADSL to the village, I'll have a home based seedbox as well. Ideally, I'd like to connect to a single rutorrent interface and be able to manage all 3 servers. Is this possible? If...