There seems to be a problem with the maximum duration values in the file share plugin
It appears to be comparing values as strings rather than numbers
To reproduce -
Set $limits['duration'] = 24 in conf.php
Create a share link and specify any single-digit value greater than 2 for the time limit (i.e. 3, 4, 5, etc)
It seems to be fixable by removing the escaped quotes around the numeric variable assignments in settings.js.php - Specifically theWebUI.FS.maxlinks and theWebUI.FS.maxdur
This works for me -
echo 'theWebUI.FS.maxlinks = ',$limits['links'], ";\n";
echo 'theWebUI.FS.downlink = "',$downloadpath, "\";\n";
echo 'theWebUI.FS.maxdur = ',$limits['duration'], ";\n";
It may also be desirable to typecast the user-input values in init.js but at the moment this doesn't seem to be required
ETA: Currently using plugin.version: 0.03 from SVN trunk