How to create a torrent:
First, click on the "Create" icon (it looks like a star)

This should open the "Create" window:

Next, add a file source (usually a directory, sometimes a single file) for your new torrent (you can use the _getdir plugin to browse to your source like you would on a normal computer)

Next, fill in the tracker you wish to upload the torrent to. (for public sites you may add more than one tracker)

The next few options are optional. Select a piece size:

or use the checkboxes for "Private Tracker" and "Start Seeding" (Private tracker should always be checked if it's for a private tracker, obviously, start seeding is used to immediately pass the new torrent file to rtorrent when it's done being created.)

Click "Create..." to start the create process. This will bring up the create console which shows the progress and status of the process, and displays any errors if they occur

When this is finished, you will have the option to download the newly created .torrent file which you can use to upload to whatever tracker you created the torrent for.
First, click on the "Create" icon (it looks like a star)

This should open the "Create" window:

Next, add a file source (usually a directory, sometimes a single file) for your new torrent (you can use the _getdir plugin to browse to your source like you would on a normal computer)

Next, fill in the tracker you wish to upload the torrent to. (for public sites you may add more than one tracker)

The next few options are optional. Select a piece size:

or use the checkboxes for "Private Tracker" and "Start Seeding" (Private tracker should always be checked if it's for a private tracker, obviously, start seeding is used to immediately pass the new torrent file to rtorrent when it's done being created.)

Click "Create..." to start the create process. This will bring up the create console which shows the progress and status of the process, and displays any errors if they occur

When this is finished, you will have the option to download the newly created .torrent file which you can use to upload to whatever tracker you created the torrent for.