Since you're using Ubuntu, you should be using the sudo command to get root privileges. Eg., instead of eg. chown -R blah do sudo chown -R blah.First thank you so much for this guide! I went from knowing little about linux a few days ago, to almost having this working. I do have a few questions regarding this installation. I have had to log in as root in order to give permission for some of these commands to work. I know that is not best practice, but could find no other way to execute the commands without running in root. This is also where I am running into a few problems I believe. First I get the following error message when trying to execute
sudo chown -R <username>:<username> <username>
chown: cannot access `****': No such file or directory
Secondly, I get the following when trying to execute rtorrent from user
****@******:~$ rtorrent
rtorrent: Could not lock session directory: "/home/downloads/****/.session/", Permission denied
I am running Ubuntu Server 10.10, Thanks!!!
The first problem is probably because you're not in the right directory. Use the cd command to change directory. I'm not exactly sure which dir it should be but perhaps /home/downloads, so try this: cd /home/downloads and then sudo chown .......
To fix the last problem, execute this: sudo chown -R username:username /home/downloads/username Change username to your user name. That command will reset ownership back to your user. It's probably owned by root.