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  1. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    When using the exact same passwd file on the exact same OS, it works perfectly when passing "trutka" as an argument here. Please remove your version of and copy-paste my script again to ensure that this isn't about a typo which you accidentally made yourself. And please run this...
  2. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    No idea when or why that disappeared, must've happened accidentally last time I updated the script. Thanks for reporting, I updated the script.
  3. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Yep, update of gcc to gcc-4.7 resolves the problem and you can compile with atomic operations. But it's really annoying that it got huge memory leaks, and also CPU usage is also higher than 0.9.3 I think I'll stick to 0.9.2 till they fill fix it, because on raspberry Pi I got really low...
  4. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Yes, I compiled curl with c-ares support. The log shows these lines among many others: 1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received error: message:7 network error. 1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received error: message:7 network error. 1402063137 I handshake_manager->myip: Received...
  5. R

    rTorrent + ruTorrent guide

    Thanks! I followed your guide (didn't run the script) and successfully upgraded rtorrent/libtorrent/rutorrent from 0.9.2/0.13.2 to your recommended versions. However, I'm a little bit frustrated because I thought this upgrade would eliminate the freezes either in rtorrent and rutorrent, but...
  6. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    Depending on how your feed announces them try dropping the last wildcard Code: /^(the.)?walking.dead.*(s)?(04|4)(e|x)?[0-9]+.*hdtv/i
  7. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    How can I search first in rss description field,then in title field? For example: I have rss feed Firs I want grep "Sherlock" from description, then grep "s03" from title. Is it possiple
  8. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    Hello , i have problem with (auto download filters) all my rss feed and rss manager are correct the filters too but when a new rss match my filter apears , he go to the download area but dont start (status stopped) i check the option ( not begin auto) and its not set someone can help me pls
  9. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    hi, i create this rule /^Marvels.Agents.of.S.H.I.E.L.D.S01E*.720p.*/i but is not working
  10. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    Interestingly, I just checked the history. I upload now a screenshot for you, and if you look closely, in fact the "created on" field is the same in all cases so I think this is not the bug?
  11. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    You miss a previously fixed error (this error is on the tracker, but i write a workaround for it). Check svn version. P.S. guid hasn't relation to this. See screenshots below. Try to find 3 differences Time interval between screenshots ~ 5 minutes.
  12. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    bump for this question. tried a lot of things with regex, but still cant seem to figure it out. always wants to go to dvd
  13. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    Ok guys, so that post helped me with downloading the series of walking dead, but form tonight only I want to download wwe raw from tonight onwards. Is there anyway I can automatically do that? I'm sure this is too complicated for a noob like me. You're help will be extremely appreciated. Thankyou
  14. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    Just beginning to understand myself about regex..Not 100% sure but I think the following would work: Code: /^dexter.*(s)?(07|7)(e|x)?[0-9]+.*720p/i
  15. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    I'm having trouble working the rss filtering out trying to match The Big Bang Theory S06E04 The Re-Entry Minimization 1080p WEB-DL DD5 1 H 264 Trying with /The\.Big\.Bang\.Theory\.S0[6-9]E0[1-40]\.1080p\\w+$/i Any help on where I have gone wrong appreciated!
  16. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    It seams that files are downloaded directly to the specified directory. Is there a way to use a temp catalog for unfinished downloads?
  17. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    I have just applied chmod 777 to public_html/rutorrent/share and all recursive directories, should that be enough to fix, or will I have messed something up?
  18. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    1) Yes. And final fragment '.*' is superfluous in this case. /(720|1080|dvdr)/i 2) You may check your filter "on the fly". Press button with '?' sign.
  19. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    Can't understand, what do you really want. Your filter is incorrect, because sequence '\.' means '.', e.q. dot, sequence '*' means 'zero or more repeat of previous', you cant use '*' at the start of filter, etc. Must be something like /The Big Bang Theory \/ Сезон: (5|6) \/ Серии...
  20. R

    How to use rutorrent: RSS plugin

    Use autodl-irssi assuming they have it installed.