Search results

  1. R

    BOUNTY: Better search

    it's faster currently to: download .torrent file click add torrent upload .torrent file but still, the point stands
  2. R

    Bounty: Torrent Info

    Sent $20 I know you said just $5 but was willing to spend the $20 so call the other $15 a General Donation if you like
  3. R

    Bounty: Torrent Info

    Would like the script to be php, I dont know how to program Javascript. This script will be the building block I need to make some addons to my seedbox. Does not need to be standalone script so can include any files already in rutorrent (please comment each include so i know whats happening)
  4. R

    Current Load notification

    See code of plugin "diskspace" as example.
  5. R

    Torrent Info

    Hi was hoping I could get some pointers I share a seedbox with a few freinds and have set the box up with labels for the few people using it. What I want to do is record into an array the hardrive space each user label is using. I know my way around php quite well so hopefully this can be...
  6. R

    Pass URL to ruTorrent
  7. R

    BOUNTY: Low bandwith friendly protocol for interacting with remote rtorrent

    another major advantage of this plugin that i've noticed: If you run rutorrent on a seedbox which is many thousands of miles away, like i do, you constantly have errors pop up due to connection (these normally happen at SOME point, but not durring normal use) For instance, if you load...
  8. R

    BOUNTY: Low bandwith friendly protocol for interacting with remote rtorrent

    спасибо. Я как раз вернулся домой к серверу - сейчас обновлю rutorrent и посмотрю, что получается.
  9. R

    BOUNTY: Low bandwith friendly protocol for interacting with remote rtorrent

    yes, i've been using google translator (if you use chrome as your browser any russian text will be tranlated for you, it's nice) Questions: when you say: Quote This mode is most useful with plugin rpc does this mean: using rpc with this mode is MORE desirable than using webserver SCGI (for...
  10. R

    BOUNTY: Low bandwith friendly protocol for interacting with remote rtorrent

    I try to translate posting above. I make some changes for optimize traffic. Added external gzip support. For turning this mode on, you need set to true const PHP_USE_GZIP in conf/config.php. As result, part of http answers (not all) > 2K will be gzipped by external program. This mode is most...
  11. R

    BOUNTY: Low bandwith friendly protocol for interacting with remote rtorrent

    Спасибо заранее. Ну и bounty в оговоренном выше размере :-)
  12. R

    BOUNTY: Low bandwith friendly protocol for interacting with remote rtorrent

    Exactly. I have a dedicated server. It's load average with 200-300 seeding and 5-10 leeching torrents never reaches more than 0.20. The bottleneck is the connection on the client side. While traveling across Russia, it is not easy to find a decent wireless internet connection, you must know...
  13. R

    BOUNTY: Magnet link support

    Please PM me your PayPal address or if you prefer I can use the sites "donate" link? Just let me know.
  14. R

    BOUNTY: Magnet link support

  15. R

    BOUNTY: Quota plugin

    $20 (AUD) Not sure if it is possible, but I would be willing to pay for a quota plugin very similar to the diskspace plugin. One of the servers I am on is shared by 8 users with quotas enforced. In this case I have 115GB available If i run the command 'quota' on the server I get Code: [xxxx...
  16. R

    Starting Plugin Development

    im using Firebug since...ever
  17. R

    Starting Plugin Development

    theContextMenu.add( [theUILang.Relocate+"...", (fno==null) ? null : function() {theWebUI.dummy('" + theWebUI.dID + "');}] );
  18. R

    Starting Plugin Development

    ok now i only need to find a way to do it
  19. R

    Starting Plugin Development

    thats the only part i know m8
  20. R

    question to coders: how to store passwords

    yah, it seems plaintext then access rights seem to be the best case we can get.